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•ž•”Ž–¤, ’nk‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚é“dŽ¥‹CŒ»Û, ‹¤’˜, The Magnetics Society of Japan.(‚Ü‚®‚Ë), 15, No.5, 272-280, 2020”N10ŒŽ.
Dimitar Ouzounov, Sergey Pulinets, Katsumi Hattori, Patrick Taylor, Pre-Earthquake Processes: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Earthquake Prediction Studies, pp. 414, Wiley, July 2018.
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˜_•¶(¸“Ç‚ ‚è)
- Xiaocan Liu, Peng Han, Katsumi Hattori, Huaran Chen, Chie Yoshino, Xudong Zhao, Liguo Jiao, Xinxin Ma, and Yu Lei, Seasonal Variation Characteristics of Geomagnetic Sq External and Internal Equivalent Current Systems in East-Asia and Oceania Regions, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 126(3), e2021JA029113, 2021. (doi: 10.1029/2021JA029113)
- Zining Yu, Katsumi Hattori, Kaiguang Zhu, Mengxuan Fan, and Xiaodan He, Evaluation of pre-earthquake anomalies of borehole strain network by using Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve, Remote Sensing, 13, 515, 2021. (doi: 10.3390/rs13030515)
- M. Parrot, V. Tramutoli, Tiger J.Y. Liu, S. Pulinets, D. Ouzounov, N. Genzano, M. Lisi, K. Hattori, and A. Namgaladze, Atmospheric and ionospheric coupling phenomena associated with large earthquakes, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 230, pp.197-225, 2021. (doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2020-000251-3)
- Zining Yu, Kaiguang Zhu, Katsumi Hattori, Chenquan Chi, Mengxuan Fan, Kaiyan Li, Xiaodan He, and Weiyun Xie, Investigation of pre-seismic borehole strain data associated with the 2013 Lushan earthquake, IEEE Access, 9, pp.12167-12179, 2021. (doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3051614)
- N. Genzano, C. Filizzola, K. Hattori, N. Pergola, and V. Tramutoli, Statistical correlation analysis between thermal infrared anomalies 1 observed from MTSATs and large earthquakes occurred in Japan (2005 - 2015), J Geophys. Res. SE, 2020, (doi: 10.1029/2020JB020108)
- ¬“‡t“ÞC‹g–ìçŒbCª–{˜aGC•ž•”Ž–¤C¬¼•qtCŒÃ‰®—²ˆêCç—tŒ§ˆ®ŠÏ‘ª“_‚É‚¨‚¯‚é’n’†ƒ‰ƒhƒ“”Z“x‚̃}ƒ‹ƒ`ƒ`ƒƒƒ“ƒlƒ‹“ÁˆÙƒXƒyƒNƒgƒ‹‰ðÍF’n’†ƒ‰ƒhƒ“ƒtƒ‰ƒbƒNƒX•Ï“®‚Ì„’è‚Æ’nkŠˆ“®‚Æ‚ÌŠÖŒW‚̘•ñCJournal of Atmospheric Electricity, 39, pp.46-51, 2020. (doi: 10.154/jae.39.46)
- Hongyan Chen, Rui Wang, Miao Miao, Xiaocan Liu, Yonghui Ma, Katsumi Hattori, and Peng Han, A Statistical Study of the Correlation between Geomagnetic Storms and M >= 7.0 Global Earthquakes during 1957-2020, 22(11), 1270, 2020. (doi: 10.3390/e22111270)
- ‹àŽq•A, –Ζؓ§, •ž•”Ž–¤, ƒ}ƒ‹ƒ`ƒ`ƒƒƒ“ƒlƒ‹“ÁˆÙƒXƒyƒNƒgƒ‹‰ðÍ(MSSA)‚ð—p‚¢‚½MTƒf[ƒ^‚̃mƒCƒYœ‹Ž–@‚ÌŠJ”, Journal of Atmospheric Electricity, 39(1), 37-41, doi:10.1541/jae.39.37. (2020”N10ŒŽ)
- Qinghua Huang, Peng Han, Katsumi Hattori, and Hengxin Ren, Electromagnetic Signals Associated With Earthquakes: A Review of Observations, Data Processing, and Mechanisms in China, Seismoelectric Exploration: Theory, Experiments, and Applications, edited by Grobbe, N., Revil, A., Zhu, Z., Slob, E, Wiley, pp.415-436, 2020. (doi: 10.1002/9781119156949.ch26)
- Zining Yu, Katsumi Hattori, Kaiguang Zhu, Chengquan Chi, Mengxuan Fan, and Xiaodan He, Detecting earthquake-related anomalies of a borehole strain network based on multi-channel singular spectrum analysis, Entropy, 22, 1086, 2020. (doi: 10.3390/e22101086)
- Rika Tsutsumi, Katsumi Hattori, Chie Yoshino, and Nicola Genzano, Detection of Thermal Changes Related to the 2011 Shinmoedake Volcano Activity, Japan: Spatiotemporal Variation of Singularity of MODIS Data After Discriminating False Changes Due to Cloud, Remote Sensing, 12, 2637, 2020. (doi: 10.3390/rs12162637)
- Jann-Yenq Liu, Chi-Yen, Liu, Yuh-Ing Chen, Tso-Ren Wu, Meng-Ju Chung, Tien-Chi Liu, Yu-Lin Tsai, Loren C. Chang, Chi-Kuang Chao, Dimitar Ouzounov, and Katsumi Hattori, The Source Detection of 28 September 2018 Sulawesi Tsunami by Using Ionospheric GNSS Total Electron Content Disturbance, Geoscience Letters, 7, 11, 2020. (doi: 10.1186/s40562-020-00160-w)
- Peng Han, Jiancang Zhuang, Katsumi Hattori, Chieh-Hung Chen, Febty Febriani, Hongyan Chen, Chie Yoshino, and Shuji Yoshida, Assessing the potential earthquake precursory information in ULF magnetic data recorded in Kanto, Japan during 2000 - 2010: distance and magnitude dependences, Entropy, 22, 859, 2020. (doi: 10.3390/e22080859)
- Rui Song, Katsumi Hattori, Xuemin Zhang, and Saito Sanaka, Indonesia detected by the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 205, 2020. (doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2020.105291)
- Liu, J.-Y., C.-Y. Lin, Y.-L. Tsai, T.-C. Liu, K. Hattori, Y.-Y. Sun, and T.-R. Wu, Ionospheric GNSS total electron content for tsunami warning, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 13, 05n06, 1941007, 2019. (doi: 10.1142/S1793431119410070)
- Tramutoli, T., F. Marchese, A. Falconieri, C. Filizzola, N. Genzano, K. Hattori, M. Lisi, J.-Y. Liu, D. Ouzounov, M. Parrot, and S. Pulinets, Tropospheric and ionospheric anomalies induced by volcanic and Saharan dust events as part of geosphere interaction phenomena, Geosciences, 9(4), 177, 2019. (doi:10.3390/geosciences9040177)
- Peberlin P. Sitompul, Josaphat T. Sri Sumantyo, Farohaji Kurniawan, Cahya Edi Santosa, Timbul Manik, Katsumi Hattori, Steven Gao, and Jann-Yenq Liu, A Circularly Polarized Circularly-Slotted-Patch Antenna with Two Asymmetrical Rectangular Truncations for Nanosatellite Antenna, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 90, pp.225-236, 2019. (doi: 10.2528/PIERC18120503)
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- Weiyun Xie, Katsumi Hattori, Peng Han, Temporal variation and statistical assessment of b value off the Pacific coast of Tokachi, Hokkaido, Japan, Entropy, 21(3), 249, 2019. (doi: 10.3390/e21030249)
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- Xiaocan Liu, Katsumi Hattori, Peng Han, Huaran Chen, Chie Yoshino, Xudong Zhao, Possible anomalous changes in solar quiet-day geomagnetic variations (Sq) related to the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake (Mw 9.0), Pure and Applied Geophysics, 177, pp.333-346, 2019. (doi: 10.1007/s00024-018-02086-z)
- Dimitar Ouzounov, Sergey Pulinets, Jann-Yenq Liu, Katsumi Hattori, and Peng Han, Multiparameter Assessment of Pre]Earthquake Atmospheric Signals, Pre-Earthquake Processes: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Earthquake Prediction Studies, edited by Ouzounov et al., Wiley, pp.339-359, 2018. (doi: 10.1002/9781119156949.ch20)
- Jann-Yenq Liu, Katsumi Hattori, and Yuh]Ing Chen, Application of Total Electron Content Derived from the Global Navigation Satellite System for Detecting Earthquake Precursors, Pre-Earthquake Processes: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Earthquake Prediction Studies, edited by Ouzounov et al., Wiley, pp.305-317, 2018. (doi: 10.1002/9781119156949.ch17)
- Katsumi Hattori and Peng Han, Statistical Analysis and Assessment of Ultralow Frequency Magnetic Signals in Japan As Potential Earthquake Precursors, Pre-Earthquake Processes: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Earthquake Prediction Studies, edited by Ouzounov et al., Wiley, pp.229-240, 2018. (doi: 10.1002/9781119156949.ch13)
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- Yamazaki, T., Hattori, K., Haneda, H., Sakai, H., Izumi. Y., Terajima, T., Development of Monitoring System to Understand Preparation Processes of Rainfall-Induced Landslides Estimation of Slip Surface and In-Situ Observation using Electromagnetic Methods, Journal of Electronics and Communications in Japan, vol.100, Issue 10, pp.3-11, 2017. (doi: 10.1002/ecj.11967)
- Jann-Yenq Liu, Chieh-Hung Chen, Tsung-Yu Wu, Hsiao-Ching Chen, Katsumi Hattori, Tom Bleier, Karl Kappler, I-Ching Yang, Yaqin Xia, Weisheng Chen, Zhengyan Liu, Co-seismic signatures in magnetometer, geophone, and infrasound data during the Meinong Earthquake, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, vol.28, No.5, pp.683-692, 2017. (doi: 10.3319/TAO.2017.03.05.01)
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Induced Change of Electric Self]Potential and Magnetic Field at the Artificial Explosion,
Electronics and Communications in Japan, vol.100, no.3, pp.68-75, 2017. (doi: 10.1002/ecj.11942)
Han, P., Hattori, K., Zhuang, J., Chen, C-H., Liu, J-Y., and Yoshida, S.,
Evaluation of ULF seismo-magnetic phenomena in Kakioka, Japan by using Molchanfs error diagram,
Geophysical Journal International, vol.208, Issue 1, pp.482-490, 2017. (doi: 10.1093/gji/ggw404)
Peng Han, Katsumi Hattori, Qinghua Huang, Shinji Hirooka, Chie Yoshino,
Spatiotemporal characteristics of the geomagnetic diurnal variation anomalies prior to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake (Mw 9.0)
and the possible coupling of multiple pre-earthquake phenomena, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,
vol.129, pp.13-21, 2016. (doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.07.011)
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Journal of Atmospheric Electricity, Vol.36, No.1, pp.1-11, 2016. (doi: 10.1541/jae.36.1)
Shinji Hirooka and Katsumi Hattori, Validation of Ionospheric Tomography using residual Minimization
Training Neural Network, Electronics and Communications in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi),
99, No.4, pp.50-57, 2016. (doi: 10.1002/ecj.11824)
Armstrong Fransiskus Sompotan, Nanang T. Puspito, Endra Joelianto, Katsumi Hattori,
Analysis of Ionospheric Precursor of Earthquake using GIM-TEC, Kriging and Neural Network,
Asian Journal of Earth Sciences, 8(2), pp.32-44, 2015. (doi: 10.3923/ajes.2015.32.44)
Peng Han, Katsumi Hattori, Guangjing Xu, Ryo Ashida, Chieh-Hung Chen, Febty Febriani, Hiroki Yamaguchi,
Further investigations of geomagnetic diurnal variations associated with the 2011 off the Pacific coast
of Tohoku earthquake (Mw9.0), Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 114, pp.321-326, 2015. (doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.02.022)
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Peng Han, Katsumi Hattori, Maiko Hirokawa, Jiancang Zhuang, Chieh-Hung Chen, Febty Febriani, Hiroki Yamaguchi,
Chie Yoshino, Jann-Yenq Liu, and Shuji Yoshida,
Statistical analysis of ULF seismo-magnetic phenomena at Kakioka, Japan, during 2001-2010,
J Geophys. Res., SPA, 119, 4998-5011, 2014. (doi:10.1002/2014JA019789)
F. Febriani, P. Han, C. Yoshino, K. Hattori, B. Nudiyanto, N. Effendi, I. Maulana, Suhardjono, and E. Gaffar,
Ultra low frequency (ULF) electromagnetic anomalies associated with large earthquakes in Java Island,
Indonesia by using wavelet transform and detrended fluctuation analysis,
Natural Hazard and Earth System Sciences, 14, 789-798, 2014. (doi:10.5194/nhess-14-789-2014)
Febty Febriani, Katsumi Hattori, Djedi S. Widarto, Peng Han, Chie Yoshino, Boko, Nurdiyanto,
Noor Effendi, Iwan Maulana, and Eddy Gaffar,
Audio Frequency Magnetotelluric Imaging of The Cimandiri Fault, West Java, Indonesia,
Journal of Geofisika, 14, 131-143, 2013. (Journal of Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia HAGI)
Chen, C-H., Wen, S., Liu, J-Y, Hattori, K., Han, P., Hobara, Y., Wang, C-H., Yeh, T-K., Yen H-Y.,
Surface displacements in Japan before the 11 March 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake,
J. Asian Earth Sci., 80, 165-171, 2014. (doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2013.11.009)
Tomomi TERAJIMA, Ei-ichiro MIYAHIRA, Hiroyuki MIYAJIMA, Hirotaka. OCHIAI, and Katsumi HATTORI,
How hydrological factors initiate instability in a model sandy slope,
Hydrological Process, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10048, 2013.
Adrin Tohari, Khori Sugianti, Katsumi Hattori,
Monitoring and Modelling of Rainfall-Induced Landslide in Volcanic Soil Slope,
Landslide Science and Practice, edited by C. Margottini, P. Canuti, and K. Sassa, Vol. 2, 503-510, 2013. (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31445-2_66)
Guangjing Xu, Peng Han, Qinghua Huang, Katsumi Hattori, Febty Febriani, Hiroki Yamaguchi,
Anomalous behaviors of geomagnetic diurnal variations prior to the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake (Mw9.0),
J. Asian Earth Sci., 77, 59-65, 2013. (doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2013.08.011)
Liu, J. Y., Wang, K., Chen, C. H., Yang, W. H., Yen, Y. H., Chen, Y. I., Hattori, K., Su, H.T., Hsu, R. R., and Chang, C. H.,
A statistical study on ELF-whistlers/emissions and M ≥ 5.0 earthquakes in Taiwan,
J Geophys. Res., SPA, 118, 3760-3768, doi:10.1002/jgra.50356, 2013.
Takano, T., Maeda, T., Miki, Y., Akatsuka, S., Hattori, K., Nishihashi, M., Kaida, D., Hirano, T.,
Detection of microwave emission due to rock fracture as a new tool for geophysics; A field test at avolcano in Miyakejima Island, Japan,
J. Applied Geophys., 94, 1-14, 2013. (doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo2013.03.016)
Ohno, N., Tone, Y., Hattori, K., Yamamoto, I., Shimakura, S., Takano, T.,
A VHF interferometry system for detecting anomalous propagation of FM radio broadcasting waves related to earthquakes and some preliminary results,
Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi) 183 (1), 16-24, 2013.
C. H. Chen, H. L. Hsu, S. Wen, T. K. Yeh, F. Y. Chang, C. H. Wang, J. Y. Liu, Y. Y. Sun, K. Hattori, H. Y. Yen, and P. Han,
Evaluation of seismo-electric anomalies using magnetic data in Taiwan,
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 597-604, 2013. (doi:10.5194/nhess-13-597-2013)
Hattori, K., Han, P., Yoshino, C., Febriani, F., Yamaguchi, H., Chen, C.-H.,
Investigation of ULF Seismo-Magnetic Phenomena in Kanto, Japan During 2000-2010: Case Studies and Statistical Studies,
Surveys in Geophysics, 34, 293-316, DOI:10.1007/s10712-012-9215-x, 2013.
Hattori, K., Han, P., Huang, Q.,
Global variation of ULF geomagnetic fields and detection of anomalous changes at a certain observatory using reference data,
Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi), 182, No. 3, 9-18, 2013.
Saito, S., Hattori, K., Kaida, D., Yoshino, C., Han, P., Febriani, F.,
Detection and reduction of precipitation effects in geoelectrical potential difference data,
Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi), 182, No. 3, 1-8, 2013.
Hirooka, S., Hattori, K., Nishihashi, M., Kon, S., Takeda, T.,
Development of ionospheric tomography using neural network and its application to the 2007 Southern Sumatra earthquakeC
Electrical Engineering in Japan (English translation of Denki Gakkai Ronbunshi), 181, No. 4, 9-18, 2012.
Francesco Marchese, Teodosio Lacava, Nicola Pergola, Katsumi Hattori, Emilio Miraglia, Valerio Tramutoli,
Inferring phases of thermal unrest at Mt. Asama (Japan) from infrared satellite observations,
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 237-238, 10-18, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2012.05.008, 2012.
S.Wen, C.-H. Chen, H.-Y. Yen, T.-K. Yeh, J.-Y. Liu, K. Hattori, H. Peng, C.-H. Wang, and T.-C. Shin,
Magnetic storm free ULF analysis in relation with earthquakes in Taiwan,
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12, 1747-1754, 2012. (doi:10.5194/nhess-12-1747-2012)
Kopytenko, Y.A., Ismaguilov, V.S., Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M,
Anomaly disturbances of the magnetic fields before the strong earthquake in Japan on March 11, 2011,
Ann. Geophys. 55 (1), 101-107, doi:10.4401/ag-5260, 2012.
Chen, C.H., Liu, J.Y., Chang, T.M., Yeh, T.K., Wang, C.H., Wen, S., Yen, H.Y., Hattori, K., Lin, C.R., Chen, Y.R.,
Azimuthal propagation of seismo-magnetic signals emitted from large earthquakes in Taiwan,
Ann. Geophys. 55 (1), 63-71, doi:10.4401/ag-5326, 2012.
Hayakawa, M., Hobara, Y., Ohta, K., and Hattori, K.,
The ultra-low-frequency magnetic disturbances associated with earthquakes,
Earthquake Science 24, 523-534, 2011. (doi:10.1007/s11589-011-0814-2)
Hirooka, S., Hattori, K., and Takeda, T.,
Numerical Validations of Neural-Network-based Ionospheric Tomography for Disturbed Ionospheric Conditions and Sparse Data,
Radio Sciences, 46, RS0F05, doi:10.1029/2011RS004760, 2011.
Chen. C.H., Wen, S., Liu, J. Y., Yeh, T. K., wang, C. H., Yen, H. Y., Hattori, K., and Lin, C. R.,
Seismomagnetic Signal Comparison using the Morlet Wavelet Method,
Disaster Advances, 4(4), 53-60, 2011.
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Hirooka, S., Hattori, K., Nishihashi, M., and Takeda, T.,
Neural network based tomographic approach to detect earthquake-related ionospheric anomalies,
Natural Hazard and Earth System Sciences, 11, 2341-2353, 2011. (doi:10.5194/nhess-11-2341-2011)
Saito, S, Kaida, D., Hattori, K., Febriani, F., and Yoshino, C.,
Signal Discrimination of ULF Electromagnetic Data with Using Singular Spectrum Analysis - An Attempt to Detect Train Noise -,
Natural Hazard and Earth System Sciences, 11, 1863-1874, 2011. (doi:10.5194/nhess-11-1863-2011)
Noguchi, T., Ohno, N., Hattori, K., and Oyama, K.,
Detection of thermal changes associated with volcanic activity and discrimination of faint changes from MODIS data,
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 41, 467-475, 2011. (doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2011.02.005)
Han, P., Hattori. K., Huang, Q., Hirano, T., Ishiguro, Y., Febriani, F., and Yoshino, C.,
Evaluation of ULF Electromagnetic Phenomena Associated with the 2000 Izu Islands Earthquake Swarm by Wavelet Transform Analysis,
Natural Hazard and Earth System Sciences, 11, 965-970, 2011. (doi:10.5194/nhess-11-965-2011)
Kon, S., Nishihashi, M., Hattori, K.,
Ionospheric anomalies possibly associated with M ≥ 6.0 earthquakes in the Japan area during 1998-2010: Case studies and statistical study,
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 41, 410-420, 2011. (doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2010.10.005)
Hirano, T. and Hattori, K.,
ULF geomagnetic changes possibly associated with the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake,
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 41, 442-449, 2011. (doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2010.04.038)
Harada, M., Hattori, K., Isezaki, N.,
Signal discrimination of external geomagnetic effects using the transfer function approach with continuous wavelet transform,
Handbook of Geophysical Exploration: Seismic Exploration 40 (C), pp. 243-258, 2010.
Jhuang, H. K., Ho, Y. Y., kakinami, Y., Liu, J. Y., Oyama, K., Parrot, M., Hattori, K., Nishihashi, M., and Zhang, D.,
Seismo-ionospheric anomalies of the GPS-TEC appear before the 12 May 2008 M7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake,
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31, 3579-3587, 2010.
Chen, C.H., Liu, J.Y., Lin, P.Y., Yen, H.Y., Hattori, K., Liang, W.T., Chen, Y.I., Yeh, Y.H., Zeng, X.,
Pre-seismic Geomagnetic Anomaly and Earthquake Location,
Tectonophysics, 489 (1-4), pp. 240-247, 2010.
Liu, J. Y., Chen, Y. I., Chen, C. H., and Hattori, K.,
Temporal and spatial precursors in the ionospheric GPS total electron content observed before the 26 December 2004 M9.3 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake,
Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 115 (9), art. no. A09312, 2010.
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Takano, T., Maeda, T., Miki, Y., Akatsuka, S., Yoshida, S., Nagata, K., Hattori, K., Nishihashi, M., Kaida, D., and Hirano, T.,
Field Test of the Signal Detection at Microwave Frequency Bands due to Volcanic Activity in Miyake-jima,
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, FM, 129, 853-858, 2009.
Mezentsev, A. Yu., M. Hayakawa and K. Hattori,
Fractal ULF signatures related to seismic processes,
Journal of Atmospheric Electricity, 29, 81-93, 2009.
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Nishihashi, M., Hattori, K., Jhuang, H. K., and Liu, J. Y.,
Spatial distribution of ionospheric GPS-TEC and NmF2 anomalies during the 1999 Chi-Chi and Chia-Yi Earthquakes in Taiwan,
Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 20, 779-789, 2009.
Liu, J. Y., Chen, Y. I., C. H. Chen, Liu, C. Y., Chen, C. Y., Nishihashi, M., Li, J. Z., Xia, Y. Q., Oyama, K. I.,
Hattori, K., and Lin, C. H.,
Seismoionospheric GPS total electron content anomalies observed before the 12 May 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake,
Journal of Geophysical Research A: Space Physics, 114, A04320, doi:10.1029/2008JA013698, 2009.
Saroso, S., Hattori, K., Ishikawa, H., Ida, Y., Shirogane, R., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Shiokawa, K., and Nishihashi, M.,
ULF geomagnetic anomalous changes possibly associated with 2004-2005 Sumatra earthquakes,
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 34, 343-349, 2009.
Widarto, D., Mogi, T., Tanaka, Y., Nagao, T., Hattori, K., and Uyeda, S.,
Co-seismic Geoelectrical Potential Changes Associated with the June 4, 2000fs Earthquake (Mw 7.9) in Bengkulu, Indonesia,
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 34, 373-379, 2009.
Yumoto, K., Ikemoto, S., Cardinal, M. G., Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K., Liu, J. Y., Saroso, S., Ruhimat, M., Husni, M.,
Widarto, D., Ramos, E., D. McNamara, R. E. Otadoy, G. Yumul, R. Ebora, and N. Servando,
A new ULF wave analysis for Seismo-Electromagnetics using CPMN/MAGDAS data,
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 34, 360-366, 2009. (doi:10.1016/j.pce.2008.04.005)
Chen, C. H., Liu, J. Y., Yang, W. H., Yen, H. Y., Hattori, K., Lin, C. R., and Yeh, Y. H.,
SMART analysis of geomagnetic data observed in Taiwan,
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 34, 350-359, 2009.
Saroso, S., Liu, J. Y., Hattori, K., and Chen, C. H.,
Ionospheric GPS TEC@Anomalies and M>5.9 Earthquakes in Indonesia during 1993-2002,
Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 19, 481-488, 2008.
Telesca, L., Lapenna, V., Macchiato, M., and Hattori, K.,
Investigating non-uniform scaling behavior in Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) earthquake-related geomagnetic signals,
Earth and Planet. Sci. Lett., 268, 219-224, 2008.
Suzuki, T., Kusunoki, K., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M.,
Recent developments in portable weather radars and new experiments,
Inst. Elect. Engs. Japan, Trans. Fundamentals and Materials, 128, 2-4, 2008.
Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K., and Ohta, K.,
Observation of ULF geomagnetic variations and detection of ULF emissions associated with earthquakes: Review,
Electrical Engineering in Japan, 162, 1-8, 2008.
Telesca, L., and Hattori, K.,
Non-uniform scaling behavior in Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) earthquake-related geomagnetic signals,
Physica A, 384, 522-528, 2007.
Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K., and Ohta, K.,
Monitoring of ULF (ultra-low-frequency) geomagnetic variations associated with earthquake,
Sensors journal, 7, 1108-1122, 2007.
Takahashi, I., Hattori, K., Harada, M., Yoshino, C., and Isezaki, N.,
Anormalous Geoelectrical Signals Observed at Southern Boso Peninsula, Japan,
Annual Gephysica, 50, 123-135, 2007.
Ishikawa, H., Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Noda, Y., Nagao, T., and Isezaki, N.,
Effect of Noise from DC-Driven Trains to Geoelectrical Potential Difference and its Reduction in Hakuba Area, Japan,
Inst. Elect. Engs. Japan, Trans. Fundamentals and Materials, 127, 41-47, 2007.
Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M.,
Recent progress and state of art of seismo-electromagnerics in Japan,
Inst. Elect. Engs. Japan, Trans. Fundamentals and Materials, 127, 4-6, 2007.
Ismaguilov, V.S., Kopytenko, Y. A., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M.,
Gradients and phase velocities of ULF geomagnetic disturbances used to determine the source of an impending strong earthquake,
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 46, 403-410, 2006.
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Schekotov, A., Molchanov, O., Hattori, K., Fedorov, E., Gladyshev, V., Belyaev, G., Chebrov, V.,
Sinitsin, V., Gordeev, E., and Hayakawa, M.,
Seismo-ionospheric depression of the ULF geomagnetic fluctuations at Kamchatka and Japan,
Phys. Chem. Earth, 31, 313-318, 2006.
Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M.,
Determination of hearth position of a forthcoming strong EQ using gradients and phase velocities of ULF geomagnetic disturbances,
Phys. Chem. Earth, 31, 292-298, 2006.
Hattori, K., Serita, A., Yoshino, C., Hayakawa, M., and Isezaki, N.,
Singular spectral analysis and principal component analysis for signal discrimination of ULF geomagnetic data associated
with 2000 Izu Island Earthquake Swarm,
Phy. Chem. Earth, 31, 281-291, 2006.
Alperovich, L., Morozov, E., Hayakawa, M., and Hattori, K.,
Coherence of the ULF fields in the seismoactive zone of Japan,
Phys. Chem. Earth, 31, 248-257, 2006.
Liu, J.Y., Chen, C.H., Chen, Y.I., Yen, H.Y., Hattori, K., and Yumoto, K.,
Seismo-geomagnetic anomalies and M 5.0 earthquakes observed in Taiwan during 1988-2001,
Phys. Chem. Earth, 31, 215-222, 2006.
Molchanov, O., Schekotov, A., Solovieva, M., Fedorov, E., Gladyshev, V., Gordeev, E., Chebrov, V., Saltykov, D., Sinitsin, V. I.,
Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M.,
Near-seismic effects in ULF fields and seismo-acoustic emission: Statistics and explanation,
Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 5, 1-10, 2005.
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Serita, A., Hattori, K., Yoshino, C., Hayakawa, M., and Isezaki, N.,
Principal Component Analysis and Singular Spectral Analysis of ULF Geomagnetic Data Associated with Earthquakes,
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 5, 685-689, 2005.
Takahashi, I., Hattori, K., Harada, H., Isezaki, N., and Nagao, T.,
ULF Electromagnetic Environment at Southern Boso Peninsula : Signal Discrimination of the Geoelectrical Potential Data,
Inst. Elect. Engs. Japan, Trans. Fundamentals and Materials, Vol. 125, 583-590, 2005.
Harada, M., Hattori, K., and Isezaki, N.,
Global Signal Classification of ULF Geomagnetic Field Variation Using Interstation Transfer Function,
Electrical Engineering in Japan, Vol. 151, No.2, 12-19, 2005.
Harada, M., Hattori, K., and Isezaki, N.,
Reduction of geomagnetic effects (periods T < 940s) from geoelectric potential difference data,
Inst. Elect. Engs. Japan, Trans. Fundamentals and Materials, Vol. 124, 1245-1250, 2004.
Hayakawa, M., and Hattori, K.,
Ultra-low-frequency electromagnetic emissions associated with earthquakes: A review,
Inst. Elect. Engs. Japan, Trans. Fundamentals and Materials, Vol. 124, 1101-1108, 2004.
Telesca, L., Colangelr, G., Hattori, K., Lapenna, V.,
Principal component analysis of geoelectrical signals measured in the seismically active arra of Basilicata region (southern Italy),
Natural Hazard and Earth Systems Sciences, 4, 663-667, 2004.
Kamogawa, M., Liu, J. Y., Fujiwara, H., Chuo, Y. J., Tsai, Y. B., Hattori, K., Nagao, T., Uyeda, S,. and Ohtsuki, Y.,
Atmospheric field variations before the March 31, 2002, M6.8 earthquake in Taiwan,
Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol.15, No.3, 397-412, 2004.
Hattori, K.,
ULF geomagnetic changes associated with large earthquakes,
Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol.15, No.3, 329-360, 2004.
Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto K., Nagao T., and Uyeda S.,
ULF Geomagnetic changes associated with crustal activity,
2004 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol.2, 741-744, 2004.
Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K., Nickolaenko, A. P., and Rabinowicz, L. M.,
Relation between the energy of earthquake swarm and the Hurst exponent of random variations of the geomagnetic field,
Phys. Chem. Earth, 29, 379-387, 2004.
- Gotoh, K., Hayakawa, M., Smirnova, N., and Hattori, K.,
Fractal analysis of seismogenic ULF emissions,
Phys. Chem. Earth, 29, 419-424, 2004.
Hattori, K., Serita, A., Gotoh, K., Yoshino, C., Harada, M., Isezaki, N., Hayakawa, M.,
ULF geomagnetic anomaly associated with 2000 Izu islands earthquake swarm, Japan,
Phys. Chem. Earth, 29, 425-436, 2004.
Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., Isezaki, N., Iwasaki, H., Harada, M., Kawabata, K., Kopytenko, E., Kopytenko, Y., Maltsev,
P., Korepanov, V., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, M., Noda, Y., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S.,
ULF geomagnetic field measurements in Japan and some recent results associated with Iwateken Nairiku Hokubu Earthquake in 1998,
Phys. Chem. Earth., 29, 481-494, 2004.
Harada, M., Hattori, K., and Isezaki, N.,
Transfer function analysis approach for anomalous ULF geomagnetic field change detection,
Phys. Chem. Earth, 29, 409-417, 2004.
Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K., and Ando, Y.,
Natural Electromagnetic Phenomena and Electromagnetic Theory,
Inst. Elect. Engs. Japan, Trans. Fundamentals and Materials, 124, 72-79, 2004.
Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K., Nickolaenko, A., and Rabinowicz, L.,
Periodic variation on the Hurst exponent of the geomagnetic field,
Journal of Atmospheric Electricity, 23, 1, 31-39, 2003.
Ismaguilov, V., Kopytenko, Y., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M.,
2003: Variations of phase velocity and gradient values of ULF geomagnetic disturbances connected with the Izu strong earthquake,
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 3, 211-215,2003.
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Connection between energy of EQ swarm and the hurst exponent of random variations of the geomagnetic field
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering (English translation of Elektrosvyaz and Radiotekhnika) 58, 1-13, 2002.
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Gotoh, K., Akinaga, Y., Hayakawa, M., and Hattori, K.,
Principal component analysis of ULF geomagnetic data for Izu islands earthquakes in July 2000,
Journal of Atmospheric Electricity, 22, 1-12, 2002.
Gladychev, V., Baransky, L., Schekotov, A., G., Fedorov, E., Pokhotelov, O., Andreevsky, S., Rozhnoi, A., Khabazin, Belyaev, G., Gorbatikov,
A., Gordeev, E., Chevrov, V., Sinitsin, V., Gorbatikov, A., Gordeev, E., Chevrov, V., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, M., Uyeda, S., Nagao, T.,
Hattori, K., and Noda, Y.,
Some preliminary results of seismo-electromagnetic research at complex geophysical observatory, Kamchatka,
Seismo Electromagnetics: Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling, edited by M. Hayakawa and Molchanov, O., 421-432, Terrapub, 2002.
Uyeda, S., Nagao, T., Hattori, K., Noda, Y., Hayakawa, M., Miyaki, K., Molchanov, O., Gladychev, V., Baransky, L., Schekotov, A.,
Belyaev, G., Fedorov, E., Pokhotelov, O., Andreevsky, S., Rozhnoi, A., Khabazin, Y., Gorbatikov, A., Gordeev, E., Chevrov, V., Lutikov, A.,
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Russian-Japanese complex geophysical observatory in Kamchatka for monitoring of phenomena connected with seismic activity,
Seismo Electromagnetics: Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling, edited by M. Hayakawa and Molchanov, O., 413-420, Terrapub, 2002.
Yagova, N., Yumoto, K., Pilipenko, V., Hattori, K., Nagao, T., and Saita, K.,
Local variations of geomagnetic ULF noises and their relation to seismic activity,
Seismo Electromagnetics: Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling, edited by M. Hayakawa and Molchanov, O., 45-48, Terrapub, 2002.
Hattori, K., Akinaga, Y., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S.,
ULF magnetic anomaly preseding the 1997 Kagoshima Earthquakes,
Seismo Electromagnetics: Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling, edited by M. Hayakawa and Molchanov, O., 19-28, Terrapub, 2002.
Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., Hattori, K., Voronov, P., Hayakawa, M., Molchanov, O., Kopytenko, E., and Zaitsev, D.,
Monitoring of the ULF electromagnetic disturbances at the station network before EQ in seismic zones of Izu and Chiba Peninsulas,
Seismo Electromagnetics: Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling, edited by M. Hayakawa and Molchanov, O., 11-18, Terrapub, 2002.
Gorbatikov, A., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, M., Uyeda, S., Hattori, K., Nagao, T., Tanaka, H., Nikolaev V., and Maltsev, P.,
Acoustic emission possibly related to earthquakes, observed at Matsushiro, Japan and its implications,
Seismo Electromagnetics: Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling, edited by M. Hayakawa and Molchanov, O., 1-10, Terrapub, 2002.
Uyeda, S., Hayakawa, M., Nagao, T., Molchanov, O., Hattori, K., Orihara, Y., Gotoh, K., Akinaga, Y., and Tanaka, H.,
Electric and Magnetic phenomena observed before the volcano-seismic activity 2000 in the Izu islands region, Japan,
Proceedings of the US National Academy of Science, 99, 7352-7355, 2002.
Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., Molchanov, O., Kopytenko, E., Voronov, P., Hattori, K., Voronov, P., Hayakawa, M., and Zaitsev, D.,
Investigation of ULF magnetic disturbances in Japan during active seismic period,
Journal of Atmospheric Electricity, 22, 3, 207-215, 2002.
Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., Nagao, T., Liu, J.Y., and Shieh, C.F.,
ULF Geomagnetic and Geopotential Measurement at Chia-Yi, Taiwan,
Journal of Atmospheric Electricity, 22, 3, 217-222, 2002.
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Hattori, K., Akinaga, Y., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S.,
ULF Magnetic Anomaly Preceding 1997 Kagoshima Earthquakes,
IV International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electromagnetic Ecology, p.58-61, June 2001, (St. Petersburg, Russia).
Akinaga, Y., Hayakawa, M., Liu, J.Y., Yumoto, K., Hattori, K.,
A precursory signature for Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan,
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 1, 33-36, 2001.
Ismaguilov, V., Kopytenko Y., Hattori, K., Voronov, M., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, M.,
ULF magnetic emissions connected with under sea bottom earthquakes,
Journal of Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 1, 23-31, 2001.
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Nagao, T., Orihara, Y., Yamaguchi, T., Takahashi, I., Hattori, K., Noda, Y., Sayanagi, K., and Uyeda, S.,
Co-seismic geoelectric potential changes observed in Japan,
Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 27, No. 10, 1535-1538, 2000.
Hayakawa, M., Itoh, T., Hattori, K., and Yumoto, K.,
ULF electromagnetic precursors for an earthquake at Biak, Indonesia on February 17, 1996,
Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 27, No. 10, 1531-1534, 2000.
Akinaga, Y., Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., and Yumoto, K.,
ULF emissions associated with earthquakes in Kyushu,
Proceedings of 2000 International Symposium on Antenna Propagation, Fukuoka, p. 385-388, August, 2000.
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Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., Voronov, P., Kopytenko, E., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K.,
Magnetic disturbances in ULF range connected with seismic sources, 2nd International Conference on Marine Electromagnetics,
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•xŽRŒ§—§‘åŠw‹I—v, ‘æ‚TŠª, pp. 98-104, 1995.
Iwama, N., Yamaguchi, M., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M.,
GCV-aided linear reconstruction of the wave distribution function for the ground-based direction finding of magnetospheric VLF/ELF waves,
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 9, pp. 757-782, 1995.
Yamaguchi, M., Hattori, K., Iwama, N., and Hayakawa, M.,
A new direction finding method of magnetospheric VLF/ELF radio waves using the linear regularization and generalized cross validation,
Dusty and Dirty Plasmas, Noise, and Chaos in Space and in the Laboratory, edited by H. Kikuchi, Plenum, pp. 405-414, 1994.
Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Lagoutte, D., Parrot, M., and Lefeuvre, F.,
The experimental results of triggering chorus emissions from monochromatic wave components in the hiss band in the outer magnetosphere,
Dusty and Dirty Plasmas, Noise, and Chaos in Space and in the Laboratory, edited by H. Kikuchi, Plenum, pp. 395-404, 1994.
Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M.,
Consideration of dynamic spectra and direction finding results of hiss-triggered chorus emissions,
Proceedings of the National Institute of Polar Research Symposium on Upper Atmosphere Physics, 7, pp. 40-52, 1994.
Hattori, K., Yamaguchi, M., Iwama, N., and Hayakawa, M.,
GCV-aided linear image regularization for the reconstruction of wave distribution function of magnetospheric VLF/ELF waves,
Computer Analysis of Image and Patterns, 5th International Conference CAIP'93 Budapest, Hungary, September 1993 Proceedings,
edited by Chetverikov and W.G. Kropatsch, Springer-Verlag, pp. 788-792, 1993.
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Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Lagoutte, D., Parrot, M., and Lefeuvre, F.,
Further experimental study of the role of wavelets in the hiss band for triggering chorus emissions,
Proceedings of the National Institute of Polar Research Symposium on Upper Atmosphere Physics, 5, pp.
70-76, 1992.
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Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Lagoutte, D., Parrot, M., and Lefeuvre, F.,
Further evidence of triggering chorus emissions from wavelets in the hiss band,
Planetary and Space Science, 39, 1465-1472, 1991.
Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Lagoutte, D., Lefeuvre, F., and Parrot, M.,
On the experimental results of hiss-triggered chorus observed onboard Geos-1 satellite in the outer magnetosphere,
Environmental and Space Electromagnetics, edited by H. Kikuchi, Elsevier Pub. Comp., pp. 258-275, 1991.
Ishikawa, K., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M.,
Ray focussing of whistler-mode waves in a magnetoplasma,
Environmental and Space Electromagnetics, edited by H. Kikuchi, Elsevier Pub. Comp., pp. 222-226, 1991.
Hattori, K., Ishikawa, K., and Hayakawa, M.,
Ray-tracing study of the plasmapause effect on non-ducted whistler-mode wave propagation,
Planetary and Space Science, 39, 425-434, 1991.
Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Lagoutte, D., Parrot, M., and Lefeuvre, F.,
An experimental study of the role of hiss in the generation of chorus in the outer magnetosphere,
as based on spectral analyses and direction finding measurements onboard Geos1,
Proceedings of the National Institute of Polar Research Symposium on Upper Atmosphere Physics, 4, 20-41, 1991.
Hattori, K., Ishikawa, K., and Hayakawa, M.,
Ray-tracing interpretation of the wave normal directions of chorus emissions observed in the off-equatorial region of the outer magnetosphere,
Proceedings of the National Institute of Polar Research Symposium on Upper Atmosphere Physics, 3, 70-78, 1990.
Ishikawa, K., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M.,
A study of ray focussing of whistler-mode waves in the outer magnetosphere,
Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan, E73, 149-154, 1990.
Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K., Shimakura, S., Parrot, M., and Lefeuvre, F.,
Direction finding of chorus emissions in the outer magnetosphere and their generation and propagation,
Planetary and Space Science, 38, 135-143, 1990.
Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Shimakura, S., Parrot, M., and Lefeuvre, F.,
Geos-1 observation of hiss-triggered chorus emissions in the outer magnetosphere and their generation model,
Proceedings of the National Institute of Polar Research Symposium on Upper Atmosphere Physics, 2, 84-95, 1989.
Tsuji, S., Hayakawa, M., Shuimakura, S., and Hattori, K.,
On the statistical properties of magnetospheric ELF/VLF hiss,
Proceedings of the National Institute of Polar Research Symposium on Upper Atmosphere Physics, 2, 74-83, 1989.
Hayakawa, M., Muto, H., Shimakura, S., Hattori, K., Parrot, M., and Lefeuvre, F.,
The wave normal directions of chorus emissions in the outer magnetosphere,
Proceedings of the National Institute of Polar Research Symposium on Upper Atmosphere Physics, 2, 62-73, 1989.
Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M.,
A study of the periodicity in occurrence of natural magnetospheric chorus emissions,
Research Letters on Atmospheric Electricity, 9, 109-115, 1989.
T. Takano, T. Maeda, Y. Miki, S. Akatsuka, S. Yoshida, K. Nagata, K. Hattori, M. Nishihashi, D. Kaita, and T. Hirano,
Verification Field Test of the Microwave Emission due to Rock Crash -- Its Background and Obtained Results -,
WSANE2009, IEICE Tech. Rep., 109, 223-228, 2009.
Harada, M., Isezaki, N., and Hattori, K.,
Resistivity Structure in the Southern Part of Boso Peninsula, Central Japan,
Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas (Proceedings of Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan, July 25-27, 2007),
Edited by K. Hattori and L. Telesca, 223-226, 2008.
Ishikawa, H., Harada, M., Hattori, K., and Isezaki, N.,
ULF Magnetic Transfer Function Analysis for Crustal Activity Monitoring,
Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas (Proceedings of Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan, July 25-27, 2007),
Edited by K. Hattori and L. Telesca, 193-197, 2008.
Ohno, N., Takano, T., Yamamoto, I., Hattori, K.,
Design of VHF interferometer at Chiba University,
Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas (Proceedings of Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan, July 25-27, 2007),
Edited by K. Hattori and L. Telesca, 199-204, 2008.
Kaida, D., Hattori, K., Yoshino, C., and Nagao, T.,
Singular spectrum analysis of ULF geoelectrical potential difference data,
Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas (Proceedings of Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan, July 25-27, 2007),
Edited by K. Hattori and L. Telesca, 205-212, 2008.
Ishikawa, H., Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Noda, Y., Nagao, T., and Isezaki, N.,
Effect of Noise from DC-Driven Trains to Geoelectrical Potential Difference and its Reduction in Hakuba Area, Japan,
Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas (Proceedings of Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan, July 25-27, 2007),
Edited by K. Hattori and L. Telesca, 213-216, 2008.
Hattori, K., Serita, A., Yoshino, C., Hayakawa, M., Isezaki, N.,
Singular Spectral Analysis and Principal Component Analysis for Signal Discrimination of ULF Geomagnetic Data Associated
with the 2000 Izu Island Earthquake Swarm,
Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas (Proceedings of Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan, July 25-27, 2007),
Edited by K. Hattori and L. Telesca, 217-222, 2008.
Nishihashi, M., Jhuang, H. K., Hattori, K., Liu, J. Y.,
Ionospheric disturbances observed by GPS-TEC and NmF2 possibly associated with large earthquakes,
Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas (Proceedings of Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan, July 25-27, 2007),
Edited by K. Hattori and L. Telesca, 185-191, 2008.
Tojo, Y., Perrone, A., Colangelo, G., Lapenna, V., Kono, H., Miyajima, H., Hattori, K., Terajima, T., and Ochiai, H.,
Monitoring of a landslide process with the electromagnetic method,
Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas (Proceedings of Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan, July 25-27, 2007),
Edited by K. Hattori and L. Telesca, 133-138, 2008.
Takano, T., Maeda, T., Soma, E., Yoshida, S., and Hattori, K.,
Microwave Emission Phenomena Due to Rock Crash and Their Applications to Natural Disaster Detection,
Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas (Proceedings of Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan, July 25-27, 2007),
Edited by K. Hattori and L. Telesca, 117-124, 2008.
Yumoto, K., Ikemoto, S., Cardinal, M. G., Kawano, H., Yoshikawa, A., Maeda, G., Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K., Liu, J.Y., Saroso, S.,
Husni, M., Widrto, D. S., Ramos, E. G., Otadoy, R. E. S., and MAGDAS Group,
Space Weather and Seismo-Electromagnetics,
Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas (Proceedings of Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan, July 25-27, 2007),
Edited by K. Hattori and L. Telesca, 57-63, 2008.
Hattori, K., ULF Electromagnetic Changes Possibly Associated with Crustal Activity,
Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas (Proceedings of Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan, July 25-27, 2007),
Edited by K. Hattori and L. Telesca, 41-56, 2008.
•ž•”Ž–¤, Widrto, D. S., Saroso, S., Hananto, N., “’Œ³´•¶, ‘쳎m,
“d‹CŠw‰ïŒ¤‹†‰ïŽ‘—¿, “dŽ¥ŠÂ‹«Œ¤‹†‰ï, EMC-06, 45-50, 2006.
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“d‹CŠw‰ïŒ¤‹†‰ïŽ‘—¿, “dŽ¥ŠÂ‹«Œ¤‹†‰ï, EMC-06, 27-33, 2006.
¼‹´G, —é–Ø—m‰î, •ž•”Ž–¤, ˆÉ¨èCO, —«³•F, Saroso, S., Widrto, D. S.,
“d‹CŠw‰ïŒ¤‹†‰ïŽ‘—¿, “dŽ¥ŠÂ‹«Œ¤‹†‰ï, EMC-06C1-6C2006.
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“d‹CŠw‰ïŒ¤‹†‰ïŽ‘—¿, EMT-04-102, p71-76, 2004.
•ž•”Ž–¤, ‹g–ìçŒb, ‹Ú“cˆŸ–î, ‚‹´ˆê˜Y, Geraldo Colangelo, Luchiano Telesca,
“d‹CŠw‰ïŒ¤‹†‰ïŽ‘—¿, EMT-04-101, p65-69C2004”N9ŒŽ.
Œ´“c½, •ž•”Ž–¤, ‚‹´ˆê˜Y, ’JGK, ’·”ö”N‹±, ã“c½–ç,
“d‹CŠw‰ïŒ¤‹†‰ïŽ‘—¿, EMT-04-98, p49-54, 2004.
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“d‹CŠw‰ïŒ¤‹†‰ïŽ‘—¿, EMT-03-104, 29-34, 2003.
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“d‹CŠw‰ïŒ¤‹†‰ïŽ‘—¿, EMT-03-104, 7-12, 2003.
“d‹CŠw‰ïŒ¤‹†‰ïŽ‘—¿, EMT-03-71, 53-57, 2003.
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“d‹CŠw‰ïŒ¤‹†‰ïŽ‘—¿, EMC-03-29, 2003.
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“d‹CŠw‰ïŒ¤‹†‰ïŽ‘—¿, EMT-02-63, 29-34, 2002.
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“d‹CŠw‰ïŒ¤‹†‰ïŽ‘—¿, EMT-02-63, 11-16, 2002.
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“ú–{AEMŠw‰ïŽC9, 15-22, 2001.
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H‰i˜aŒv, •ž•”Ž–¤, ‘쳎m, “’Œ³´•¶,
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•ž•”Ž–¤, ‘쳎m, “’Œ³´•¶, ’·”ö”N‹±, ã“c½–ç,
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Yabe, S., Kono, H., Saitoh, S., Febriani, F., Yoshino, C., Hattori, K., Gaffar, E., Sudrajat, Y., Harijadi, P., Sunarjo, and Grandis, H.,
2D resistivity tomography at a landslide areain Pelabuhan Ratu, Indonesia,
International Workshop on Development of Early Warning System for Landslide Using Hydrological, Geotechnical,
Geological, and Electromagnetic Approaches, 2010.3.24-26, Chiba University, Chiba
Kono, H., Tojo, Y., Hattori, K., Terajima, T., Okada, Y., and Ochiai, H.,
Monitoring of the process of rain-induced landslides with use of self-potential method,
International Workshop on Development of Early Warning System for Landslide Using Hydrological, Geotechnical,
Geological, and Electromagnetic Approaches, 2010.3.24-26, Chiba University, Chiba
Terajima, T., Miyajima, H., Hattori, K., Kono, H., Ochiai, H., and Okada, Y.,
Information emerging from experiments on shallow landslide Effect of seepage flow on landslide initiation:
toward the understanding of the electro-magnetic characteristics for landslide prediction?,
International Workshop on Development of Early Warning System for Landslide Using Hydrological, Geotechnical,
Geological, and Electromagnetic Approaches, 2010.3.24-26, Chiba University, Chiba
Hattori, K., Kono, H., Tojo, Y., Yabe, S., Yoshino, C., Terajima, T., Ochiai, H., and Okada, K.,
Challenge to develop early warning system of landslides using self-potential approach: recent progress and state of arts,
International Workshop on Development of Early Warning System for Landslide Using Hydrological, Geotechnical,
Geological, and Electromagnetic Approaches, 2010.3.24-26, Chiba University, Chiba
Ouzounov, D.P., Pulinets, S.A., Liu, J.Y., Hattori, K., Taylor, P.T., Kafatos, M.,
Validation of atmospheric signals associated with major earthquake activities. A statistical study,
American Geophysical Union, 2009 Fall meeting, 2009.12.14-18, San Francisco, USA
Noguchi, T., Ohno, N., Hattori, K.,
Detection of thermal changes possibly associated with volcanic activity and discrimination of faint changes from MODIS,
American Geophysical Union, 2009 Fall meeting, 2009.12.14-18, San Francisco, USA
Hattori, K., Hirano, T.,
ULF geomagnetic changes possibly associated with the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake,
American Geophysical Union, 2009 Fall meeting, 2009.12.14-18, San Francisco, USA
Kon, S., Nishihashi, M., Hattori, K.,
Ionospheric anomalous total electrom content variation possibly related to earthquakes around Japan,
American Geophysical Union, 2009 Fall meeting, 2009.12.14-18, San Francisco, USA
Hattori, K., Kono, H., Tojo, Y., Yabe, S., Yoshino, C., Terajima, T., Ochiai, H., and Okada, K.,
Early warning of rainfall-induced landslides based on indoor experiments,
Asia-Pacific Symposium on New Technologies for Prediction and Mitigation of Sediment Disasters, 2009.11.19-20, Tokyo, Japan
Hattori, K.,
Electromagnetic phenomena possibly associated with the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and future strategy
for lithosphere weather in Indonesia,
International Symposium on earthquake and precursor "On the possibility of establishing for earthquake precursors monitoring system",
2009.11.16-18, Bukittinggi, Indonesia (Invited)
Katsumi Hattori, Masahide Nishihashi, Simpei Kon, Jann-yenq Liu, and Mchel Parrot,
Statistical and case studies of ionospheric TEC anomalies prior to large earthquakes in Indonesia and China,
International Reference Ionosphere Workshop 2009, 2009.11.2-7, Kagoshima Univ., Japan
Shimpei Kon, Masahide Nishihashi, and Katsumi Hattori,
Ionospheric disturbances possibly associated with M > 6.0 Earthquakes in Japan area during 1998-2008: statistical study and some case studies,
International Reference Ionosphere Workshop 2009, 2009.11.2-7, Kagoshima Univ., Japan
Tadashi Takano, Takashi Maeda, Yoji Miki, Sayo Akatsuka, Shingo Yoshida, Kohei Nagata, Katsumi Hattori, Masahide Nishihashi,
Daishi Kaita, and Takuya Hirano,
Verification Field Test of the Microwave Emission due to Rock Crash -- Its Background and Obtained Results,
Workshop for Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics (WSANE) 2009, 2009.11.1-4, Shanghai, China
Nozomi Ohno, Isao Yamamoto, Shin Shimakura, and Katsumi Hattori,
VHF interferometer and property of radio propagation,
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2009, August 11-15, 2009, SUNTEC, Singapore
Katsumi Hattori,
Electromagnetic phenomena possibly associated with the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake,
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2009, August 11-15, 2009, SUNTEC, Singapore (Invited)
Takafumi Noguchi, Nozomi Ohno, and Katumi Hattori,
Monitoring of volcanic activity using mid-infrared satellite data,
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2009, August 11-15, 2009, SUNTEC, Singapore
Takuya Hirano, Hitomi Ogawa, Hisashi Ishikawa, and Katsumi Hattori,
ULF geomagnetic changes associated with the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake,
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2009, August 11-15, 2009, SUNTEC, Singapore
Shimpei Kon, Masahide Nishihashi, and Katsumi Hattori,
Ionospheric anomalous total electron content variation possibly related to the 2007 Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake,
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2009, August 11-15, 2009, SUNTEC, Singapore.
Masahide Nishihashi, Katsumi Hattori, Jann-Yenq Liu, and Michel Parrot,
Statistical and case studies of ionospheric TEC anomalies prior to large earthquakes in Indonesia and China,
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2009, August 11-15, 2009, SUNTEC, Singapore
K. Yumoto, M.G. Cardinal, K. Hattori, M. Hayakawa, J.Y. Liu, P. Harjadi, B. S. Tejasukmana, H. Harjono, and MAGDAS Group,
MAGDAS III Project for Litho-Space Weather in Indonesia,
3rd International Workshop on Space and Lithosphere Environment Changes in Asia (IWSLEC-3), June 17-19, 2009,
Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore. (Invited)
Katsumi Hattori,
ULF Electromagnetic Changes Possibly Associated with Crustal Activity,
3rd International Workshop on Space and Lithosphere Environment Changes in Asia (IWSLEC-3), June 17-19, 2009,
Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore. (Invited)
K. Hattori, M. Nishihashi, and J. Y. Liu,
Statistical and case studies of ionospheric TEC anomalies related to large earthquakes in Indonesia,
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, April 19-24, 2009, Vienna, Austria
K. Hattori, M. Nishihashi, and J. Y. Liu,
TEC anomalous change associated with large earthquake in Indonesia: Statistical and event analysis,
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, April 19-24, 2009, Vienna, Austria
K. Hattori, H. Kono, Y. Tojo, T. Terajima, and H. Ochiai,
Early warning of landslides based on landslide indoor experiments,
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, April 19-24, 2009, Vienna, Austria
S. Saito, H. Ishikawa, T. Hirano, and K. Hattori,
Principal component analysis of ULF electromagnetic data for automatic identifying anomalous changes,
2009 International Workshop on Validation of Earthquake Precursors by Satellite,
Terrestrial and other Observations (VESTO) Case studies of the recent Asian events, March 26-28, 2009, Chiba, Japan
N. Ohno, K. Hattori, T. Takano, and I. Yamamoto,
VHF interferometer and radio propagation property,
2009 International Workshop on Validation of Earthquake Precursors by Satellite,
Terrestrial and other Observations (VESTO) Case studies of the recent Asian events, March 26-28, 2009, Chiba, Japan
K. Hattori, M. Nishihashi, T. Hirano, H. Ishikawa, C. Yoshino, S. Saito, S. Tokonami, M. Kamogawa,
T. Nagao, N. Isezaki, K. Wadatsumi, and D. Ouzounov,
Integrated measurement for seismo-electromagnetic study at Iyogatake station,
2009 International Workshop on Validation of Earthquake Precursors by Satellite,
Terrestrial and other Observations (VESTO) Case studies of the recent Asian events, March 26-28, 2009 Chiba, Japan
T. Noguchi, N. Ohno, and K. Hattori,
Monitoring of volcanic activity using MODIS data,
2009 International Workshop on Validation of Earthquake Precursors by Satellite,
Terrestrial and other Observations (VESTO) Case studies of the recent Asian events, March 26-28, 2009, Chiba, Japan
T. Hirano, C. Yoshino, K. Hattori, and Q. Huang,
Direction finding of ULF/ELF geomagnetic field data possibility associated with the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake,
2009 International Workshop on Validation of Earthquake Precursors by Satellite,
Terrestrial and other Observations (VESTO) Case studies of the recent Asian events, March 26-28, 2009, Chiba, Japan
T. Hirano, H. Ogawa, H. Ishikawa, and K. Hattori,
ULF geomagnetic change associated with the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake,
2009 International Workshop on Validation of Earthquake Precursors by Satellite,
Terrestrial and other Observations (VESTO) Case studies of the recent Asian events, March 26-28, 2009, Chiba, Japan
H. Ishikawa and K. Hattori,
Relationship between the crustal activities and ULF geomagnetic field at South Boso Peninsula,
2009 International Workshop on Validation of Earthquake Precursors by Satellite,
Terrestrial and other Observations (VESTO) Case studies of the recent Asian events, March 26-28, 2009, Chiba, Japan
S. Kon, M. Nishihashi, and K. Hattori,
Ionospheric total electron content variation related to the 2007 Niigataken Chuetsu-oki Earthquake, Japan,
2009 International Workshop on Validation of Earthquake Precursors by Satellite,
Terrestrial and other Observations (VESTO) Case studies of the recent Asian events, March 26-28, 2009, Chiba, Japan
K. Hattori,
Seismo-Electromagnetic phenomena possibly associated with the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake,
2009 International Workshop on Validation of Earthquake Precursors by Satellite,
Terrestrial and other Observations (VESTO) Case studies of the recent Asian events, March 26-28, 2009, Chiba, Japan (Invited)
D. Ouzounov, S. Pulinets, K. Hattori, J. Y. Liu, M. Parrot, M. Kafatos, S. Habib, F. Policelli, and P. Taylor,
Multi sensor approach of validating EM atmospheric signals associated with major earthquakes. Case studies for the recent 2004-2008 Asian events,
2009 International Workshop on Validation of Earthquake Precursors by Satellite,
Terrestrial and other Observations (VESTO) Case studies of the recent Asian events, March 26-28, 2009, Chiba, Japan (Invited)
M. Nishihashi, K. Hattori, J. Y. Liu, and M. Parrot,
Ionospheric TEC anomalies prior to large earthquakes in Indonesia and China - Statistical and case studies -,
2009 International Workshop on Validation of Earthquake Precursors by Satellite,
Terrestrial and other Observations (VESTO) Case studies of the recent Asian events, March 26-28, 2009, Chiba, Japan
K. Hattori, T. Hirano, J.T. Sri Sumantyo, T. Maeda, T. Takano, and S. Yoshida,
Preliminary Report on Collapse of Inner Rim Wall at Miyakejima Volcanic Creator using In-SAR images,
International Workshop on Synthetic Aperture Radar 2009, February 16, 2009, Chiba, Japan
Hattori, K., Nishihashi, M., Liu, J. Y., Parrot, M.,
Temporal and spatial analysis of ionospheric disturbances prior to large earthquakes,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, USA.
Hattori, K., Wadatsumi, K., Furuya, R., Yada, N., Yamamoto, I., Ninagawa, K., Ideta, Y., Nishihashi, M.,
Variation of radioactive atmospheric ion concentration associated with large earthquakes,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, USA. (invited)
Takano, T., Yoshida, S., Hattori, K., and Maeda, T.,
Detection of Microwave Frequency Signals from Earthquakes and Volcanic Activities,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, USA.
Singh, P. R., Zlotnicki, j., Prasad, A., Gautam, R., Hattori, K., Liu, J. Y., Parrot, M., Li,F., and Kafatos, M.,
Precursory Signals Using Satellite and Ground data Associated with the Wenchuan Earthquake of May 12, 2008,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, USA.
Hattori, K., Kohno, H., Tojo, Y, Terajima, T., and Ochiai, H.,
Early Warning of Landslides Based on Landslide Indoor Experiments,
Proceedings of The First Landslide Forum, Nov. 18-21, 2008, Tokyo, Japan (Invited)
Hattori, K.,
Detection of small ULF electromagnetic changes : signals possibly generated under the ground,
2nd International Workshop on Space and Lithosphere Environment Changes in Asia (IWSLEC-2), Nov. 13-14, 2008, Tsukuba, Japan (invited)
Hattori, K.,
ULF electromagnetic changes possibly associated with crustal activity,
33rd Indonesian Association of Geophysics Annual Convention and Exhibition, Nov. 3-5, 2008, Bandung, Indonesia.(invited)
Hattori, K.,
ULF Geomagnetic Anomalous Changes Possibly Associated with Crustal Activity,
The International Workshop Training on Earthquake Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy, Frontier Research on Earthquake Predictability,
October 28-30, 2008, Bandung, Indonesia
Hattori, K., Ishikawa, H., Harada, M., Takahashi, I., and Yoshino, C.,
ULF electromagnetic signature possibly generated under the ground,
EMSEV-DEMETER Joint Workshop, September 7-12, 2008, Sinaia, Romania.
Takano, T., Miki, Y., Akatsuka, S., Yoshida, S., Nagata, K., Hattori, K., Nishihashi, M., and Kaida, D.,
Detection of electro-magnetic signals in microwave frequency bands from Miyake-jima volcano in Japan,
EMSEV-DEMETER Joint Workshop, September 7-12, 2008, Sinaia, Romania.
Hattori, K., and Kaida, D.,
Singular spectral analysis and principal component analysis of ULF geomagnetic data;
reduction of global noises and possible changes associated with the 2000 Izu Island earthquake,
EMSEV-DEMETER Joint Workshop, September 7-12, 2008, Sinaia, Romania.
Ouzounov, D., Pulinets, S., Parrot, M., Hattori, K., Liu J. Y., Cervone, G., Habib, S., Policelli, F., Taylor, P.,
Surveying the natural hazards by joint satellite and ground based analysis of earth's electromagnetic environment,
EMSEV-DEMETER Joint Workshop, September 7-12, 2008, Sinaia, Romania.
Nishihashi, M., Hattori, K., and Liu, J. Y.,
Ionospheric disturbances possibly associated with large earthquakes - temporal and spatial analysis -,
EMSEV-DEMETER Joint Workshop, September 7-12, 2008, Sinaia, Romania.
Hattori, K., Ishikawa, H., Harada, M., Takahashi, I., and Yoshino, C.,
ULF transfer function approach for monitoring of crustal activity and noise reduction,
XXIX General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI-GA 2008), August 7-16, 2008, Chicago, USA.
Nishihashi, M., Hattori, K., and Liu, J. Y.,
Spatial distribution of ionospheric disturbances possibly associated with large earthquakes,
XXIX General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI-GA 2008), August 7-16, 2008, Chicago, USA.
Hattori, K., and Kaida, D.,
Singular spectral analysis and principal component analysis of ULF geomagnetic data; associated with the 2000 Izu Island earthquake,
XXIX General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI-GA 2008), August 7-16, 2008, Chicago, USA.
Hattori, K.,
New frontiers for electromagnetic monitoring of seismic active areas,
Ciclo di incontri sulle attivita del CNR in Val d'Agri: le infrastrutture di ricerca e le collaborazioni internazionali,
21 April, 2008, Marsico Nuovo, Italy (invited)
Telesca, L., Hattori, K., Lapenna, V.,
Non-uniform scaling features in ultra low frequency geomagnetic signals and possible correlation with seismicity,
EGU General Assembly 2008, April 13 - 18, 2008, Vienna, Austria.
Hattori, K., Kaida, D., Yoshino, C.,
Global noise reduction of ULF geomagnetic data using singular spectral analysis and principal component analysis of
the reduced data for the 2000 Izu Earthquake Swarm in Japan,
EGU General Assembly 2008, April 13 - 18, 2008, Vienna, Austria.
Ouzounov, D., Pulinets, S., Hattori, K., Cervone, G., Parrot, M., Liu, J. Y., Taylor, P.,
Joint Analysis of Satellite and Ground Based EM Signals Connected with Major Earthquake Activities,
EGU General Assembly 2008, April 13 - 18, 2008, Vienna, Austria.
Takano, T., Miki, Y., Akatsuka, S., Yoshida, S., Nagata, K., Hattori, K., Nishihashi, M., Kaida, D.,
Observation of volcanic activity through microwaves emitted in rock fracture,
International Workshop on Space and Lithosphere Environment Changes in Asia (IWSLEC 2008), March 1, 2008, Sagamihara, Japan. (Invited)
Nishihashi, M., Hattori, K., Liu, J. Y., Saroso, S., Widarto, D. S.,
Spatial distribution of ionospheric disturbances preceding large earthquakes,
International Workshop on Space and Lithosphere Environment Changes in Asia (IWSLEC 2008), March 1, 2008, Sagamihara, Japan. (Invited)
Hattori, K., Ishikawa, H., Takahashi, I., Harada, M., and Ando, Y.,
ULF Electromagnetic Signatures from the Underground,
International Workshop on Space and Lithosphere Environment Changes in Asia (IWSLEC 2008), March 1, 2008, Sagamihara, Japan. (Invited)
Widarto, D. S., Hattori, K., Febriani, F., Subakti, H., Masturyono, Ohta, K., Hayakawa, M., and Uyeda, S.,
Ground-based Electromagnetic Monitoring in the Western Sunda Arc, Indonesia: Recent Progress and Some Results,
International Workshop on Space and Lithosphere Environment Changes in Asia (IWSLEC 2008), March 1, 2008, Sagamihara, Japan. (Invited)
Saroso, S., Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Shiokawa, K., Yumoto, K., and Liu, J. Y.,
Some Results of Seismo-Electromagnetic Research at LAPAN, Indonesia,
International Workshop on Space and Lithosphere Environment Changes in Asia (IWSLEC 2008), March 1, 2008, Sagamihara, Japan. (Invited)
Yumoto, K., Ikemoto, S., Cardinal, M. G., Uozumi, T., Abe, S., Maeda, G., Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K., Shiokawa, K., Liu, J. Y.,
Ruhimat, M., Saroso, S., Husni, M., Widarto, D. S., McNamara, D., Ramos, E. G., Otadoy, R. E. S., and MAGDAS Group,
Space Weather and Seismo-Electromagnetics,
International Workshop on Space and Lithosphere Environment Changes in Asia (IWSLEC 2008), March 1, 2008, Sagamihara, Japan. (Invited)
Wang, K., Wang, Y., Liu, J. Y., Yang, W., Hsu, R., Su, H., Chen, Y., and Hattori, K.,
Polarization study of ELF-emissions at pre-earthquake time,
American Geophysics Union Fall meeting, December 10-14, 2007, San Francisco, USA.
Saroso, S., Liu, J. Y., Hattori, K., and Chen, C. H., Ionospheric TEC anomaly associated with earthquakes in Indonesia, International
Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetic Phenomena (IWSEP) 2007 under JSPS-LIPI Bilateral Program, abstract, November 6-7, 2007, Bandung,
Kopytenko, Y., and Hattori, K.,
Coastal geophysical instruments for ULF magnetic location of the forthcoming strong earthquake (M>5)
zone in the ocean and system tsunami warnig,
International Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetic Phenomena (IWSEP) 2007 under JSPS-LIPI
Bilateral Program, abstract, November 6-7, 2007, Bandung, Indonesia.
Yumoto, K., Kawano, H., Yoshikawa, A., Maeda, G., Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K., Liu, J. Y., Saroso, S., Husni, M., Widarto, D. S.,
Cardinal, M. G. C., Otadoy, R. E. S., and MAGDAS Group,
Space Weather and Seismo-Electromagnetics, International Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetic Phenomena (IWSEP) 2007
under JSPS-LIPI Bilateral Program, abstract,.November 6-7, 2007, Bandung, Indonesia.
Saroso, S., Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Shiokawa, K., and Yumoto, K.,
Seismo-electromagnetic signatures possibly related to the Sumatra megathrust earthquakes of 26 December 2004 and 28 March 2005,
International Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetic Phenomena (IWSEP) 2007
under JSPS-LIPI Bilateral Program, abstract, November 6-7, 2007, Bandung, Indonesia.
Hattori, K., Hirano, T., Yoshino, C., Yumoto, K., Shiokawa, K., Saroso, S., and Huang, Q. H.,
ULF/ELF magnetic phenomena possibly associated with the 2004 Sumatra earthquakes,
International Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetic Phenomena (IWSEP) 2007
under JSPS-LIPI Bilateral Program, abstract, November 6-7, 2007, Bandung, Indonesia.
Nishihashi, M., Jhuang, H. K., Hattori, K., Liu, J. Y., Saroso, S., and Widarto, D. S.,
Spatial distribution of ionospheric disturbances observed by GPS-TEC and NmF2 prior to large earthquakes,
International Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetic Phenomena (IWSEP) 2007
under JSPS-LIPI Bilateral Program, abstract, November 6-7, 2007, Bandung, Indonesia.
Tojo, Y., Kono, H., Miyajima, H., Uchida, I., Hattori, K., Terajima, T., Ochiai, H., Perrone, A., Colangelo, G., and Lapennai, V.,
Electromagnetic approach to monitor landslide process,
International Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetic Phenomena (IWSEP) 2007
under JSPS-LIPI Bilateral Program, abstract, November 6-7, 2007, Bandung, Indonesia.
Hattori, K., Widarto, D. S., Saroso, S., Nishihashi, M., Yoshino, C., Kaida, D., Gaffar, E. Z., Sudrajat, Y., Yumoto, K., Husni, M.,
Subakti, H., Shiokawa, K., and Hayakawa, M.,
Electromagnetic monitoring for crustal activity in Indonesia,
International Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetic Phenomena (IWSEP) 2007
under JSPS-LIPI Bilateral Program, abstract, November 6-7, 2007, Bandung, Indonesia.
Ohno, N., Takano, T., Yamamoto, I., and Hattori, K.,
VHF anomalous propagation possibly associated with the 2007 off-shore mid Niigata earthquake observed by interferometer,
International Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetic Phenomena (IWSEP) 2007
under JSPS-LIPI Bilateral Program, abstract, November 6-7, 2007, Bandung, Indonesia.
Hattori, K.,
Seimo-Electromagnetics and Lithosphere Weather,
The 13rd CEReS International Symposium on Remote Sensing "Disaster Monitoring and Mitigation in Asia",
abstract, October 29-30, 2007, Chiba, Japan (Invited)
Ohno, N., Takano, T., Yamamoto, I., and Hattori, K.,
Interferometric Observation of VHF Radio Waves at Chiba University,
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 4th Annual Meeting, CDROM, July 30 - August 4, 2007,
Queen Sirkit National Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand.
Hattori, K., Katoh, M., Sazarashi, A., and Yoshino, C.,
Direction Finding of ULF/ELF Magnetic Phenomena Preceding the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake,
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 4th Annual Meeting, CDROM, July 30 - August 4, 2007,
Queen Sirkit National Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand (Invited).
Hattori, K., Serita, A., Kaida, D., Yoshino, C., Hayakawa, M., and Isezaki, N.,
Singular Spectral Analysis and Principal Component Analysis for Signal Discrimination of ULF Geomagnetic Data Associated
with 2000 Izu Island Earthquake Swarm,
Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan on Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas, abstract, p. 46, July 25-27, 2007,
Port Plaza Chiba, Chiba-Minato, Chiba, Japan.
Ishikawa, H., Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Noda, Y., Nagao, T., and Isezaki, N.,
Effect of Noise from DC-Driven Trains to Geoelectrical Potential Difference and its Reduction at Hakuba Area, Japan,
Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan on Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas, abstract, p.45, July 25-27, 2007,
Port Plaza Chiba, Chiba-Minato, Chiba, Japan.
Kaida, D., Hattori, K., Yoshino, C., and Nagao, T., Singular spectrum analysis of ULF geomagnetic data, Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan
on Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas, abstract p.44, July 25-27, 2007, Port Plaza Chiba, Chiba-Minato, Chiba, Japan.
Ohno, N., Takano, T., Yamamoto, I., and Hattori, K., Design of VHF interferometer at Chiba University, Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan
on Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas, abstract p.43, July 25-27, 2007, Port Plaza Chiba, Chiba-Minato, Chiba, Japan.
Ishikawa, H., Harada, M., Hattori, K., and Isezaki, N., ULF Magnetic Interstation Transfer Function Analysis for Crustal Activity
Monitoring, Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan on Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas, abstract p. 42, July 25-27, 2007, Port Plaza
Chiba, Chiba-Minato, Chiba, Japan.
Nishihashi, M., Jhuang, H. K., Hattori, K., Liu, J. Y., Saroso, S., and Widarto, D. S., Ionospheric disturbances observed by GPS-TEC
and NmF2 possibly associated with large earthquakes, Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan on Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas,
abstract p.41, July 25-27, 2007, Port Plaza Chiba, Chiba-Minato, Chiba, Japan.
Tojo, Y., Kono, H., Miyajima, H., Perrone, A., Colangelo, G., Lapenna, V., Hattori, K., Terajima, T., and Ochiai, H., Monitoring of
landslide process with electromagnetic method, Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan on Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas, abstract
p.32, July 25-27, 2007, Port Plaza Chiba, Chiba-Minato, Chiba, Japan.167.
Takano, T., Maeda, T., Soma, E., Yoshida, S., and Hattori, K., Microwave Emission Phenomena Due to Rock Crash and Their Applications
to Natural Disaster Detection, Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan on Electromagnetics in Seismic and Volcanic Areas, abstract p.28, July 25-27,
2007, Port Plaza Chiba, Chiba-Minato, Chiba, Japan.
Hattori, K., ULF electromagnetic changes possibly associated with crustal activity, Bilateral Seminar Italy-Japan on Electromagnetics
in Seismic and Volcanic Areas, abstract, p.13, July 25-27, 2007, Port Plaza Chiba, Chiba-Minato, Chiba, Japan (Invited).
Nishihashi, M., Jhuang, H. K., Hattori, K., Liu, J. Y., Saroso, S., and Widarto, D. S., Ionospheric anomalous changes observed by
GPS-TEC and NmF2 possibly associated with large earthquakes, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), WEB, July 2-13, 2007,
Perugia, Italy.
Hattori, K., Serita, A., Kaida, D., Yoshino, C., Hayakawa, M., and Isezaki, N., Singular Spectral Analysis and Principal Component
Analysis for Signal Discrimination of ULF Geomagnetic Data Associated with 2000 Izu Island Earthquake Swarm, International Union of Geodesy
and Geophysics (IUGG), WEB, July 2-13, 2007, Perugia, Italy.
Hattori, K., Ishikawa, H., Takahashi, I., Noda, Y., Nagao, T., and Isezaki, N., Effect of Noise from DC-Driven Trains to
Geoelectrical Potential Difference and its Reduction at Hakuba Area, Japan, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), WEB, July
2-13, 2007, Perugia, Italy.
Hattori, K., Ishikawa, H., Harada, M., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., Isezaki, N., and Nagao, T., ULF magnetic transfer function
approach for monitoring of crustal activity, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), WEB, July 2-13, 2007, Perugia, Italy.
Yumoto, K., and Hattori, K., Environmental Changes in Space and Lithosphere in Indonesia, 21st Pacific Science Congress, no abstract,
June 12-18, 2007, Okinawa Convention Center, Okinawa, Japan.
Hattori, K., Space and Lithosphere Environment Changes in Indonesia, Preparatory Meeting for the 7th Science Council of Asia (SCA)
Conference, March 20, 2007, Science Council of Japan, Tokyo.
Ouzounov, D., Pulinets, S., Ciraolo, L., Cervone, G., Kafatos, M., Taylor, P., Parrot, M., and Hattori, K., Analysis of GPS total
electron content (TEC) and satellite electromagnetic data of atmospheric processes related to the northern Sumatra earthquakes swarms of
Dec. 2004 - Apr. 2005, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2006, CDROM, San Francisco, USA.
Hattori, K., Recent progress and state of the art of seismo-electromagnetics in Japan, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting,
December 2006, CDROM, San Francisco, USA. (invited)
Hattori, K., Ishikawa, H., Nishihashi, M., Harada, M., Yoshino, C., and Isezaki, N., ULF transfer function analysis using the wavelet
for monitoring crustal activity, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2006, CDROM, San Francisco, USA.
Hattori, K., Ishikawa, H., Nishihashi, M., Yoshino, C., Saroso, S., Widarto, D. S., Hayakawa, M., Shiokawa, K., and Yumoto, K.,
Possible seismo-electromagnetic phenomena associated with the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, Intfl Workshop on Electromagnetic Studies
Related to Earthquake and Volcanoes (IWEMSEV-2006), Abstracts, p. 39-40, November, 2006, Agra, India.(Invited)
Hattori, K., Serita, A., Kaida, D., Yoshino, C., Hayakawa, M., Isezaki, N., Principal component analysis and singular spectral
analysis of ULF geomagnetic data associated with earthquakes, Abstract of 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, CDROM, July 2006,
Hattori, K., Ishikawa, H., Harada, M., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., Isezaki, N., ULF magnetic transfer function approach for
monitoring of crustal activity, Abstract of 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, CDROM, July 2006, Beijing. (Invited)
Harada, M., Isezaki, N., and Hattori, K., Tectonic setting and electrical conductivity in the southern part of Boso Peninsula,
Abstract of 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, CDROM, July 2006, Beijing.
Takahashi, I., Hattori, K., Yoshino, C., Isezaki, N., and Harada, M., MT study at the southern Boso Peninsula, Japan, Abstract of
2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, CDROM, July 2006, Beijing.
Takahashi, I., Ando, Y., Hattori, K., Harada, M., and Isezaki, N., ULF electromagnetic phenomena observed at the southern Boso
stations ant their simulation study using FDTD computation, Abstract of 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, CDROM, July 2006, Beijing.
Hattori, K., Nishihashi, M., Suzuki, Y., Liu, J. Y., Widarto, D. S., and Isezaki, N., Analysis of GPS-TEC associated with large
earthquakes using GAMIT, Abstract of 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, CDROM, July 2006, Beijing.
Harada, M., Hattori, K., Isezaki, N., Electrical structure change by using wavelet-based e lectromagnetic transfer function, Abstract
of 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, CDROM, July 2006, Beijing.
M. Hananto, Widarto, D. S., Hattori, K., Yoshino, C., Nagao, T., and Mogi, T., Principle component analysis of geoelectrical signals
recorded in Liwa, Southern Sumatra, Indonesia, Abstract of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 3rd Annual Meeting, CDROM, 2006, July Singapore.
147. Nishihashi, M., Suzuki, Y., Hattori, K., Liu, J. Y., Widarto, D. S., Analysis of GPS-TEC variation associated with large
earthquakes using GAMIT, Abstract of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 3rd Annual Meeting, CDROM, July 2006, Singapore.
Saroso, S., Ishikawa, H., Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Shiokawa, K., and Yumoto, K., ULF geomagnetic anomaly associated with the
Sumatra Earthquake, Abstract of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 3rd Annual Meeting, CDROM, July 2006, Singapore.
Hattori, K., Ishikawa, H., Yoshino, C., Harada, M., Isezaki, N., ULF geomagnetic changes associated with large earthquakes based on
transfer function analysis, Abstract of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 3rd Annual Meeting, CDROM, July 2006, Singapore. (Invited)
Ouzounov, D., Pulinets, S., Liu, J. Y., Kamogawa, M., Hattori, K., Cervone, G., Kafatos, M., Dunson, C., and Taylor, P., Monitoring
earthquake activities using muti parameter electromagnetic satellite an ground based data, International Symposium DEMETER, Abstract, June
14-16, 2006, Toulouse, France.
Hattori, K., Saroso, S., Ishikawa, H., A. Sazarashi, A., Hayakawa, M., Liu, J. Y., Shiokawa, K., and Yumoto, K., ULF geomagnetic
anomalous change associated with the 2006 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake, International Symposium DEMETER, Abstract, June 14-16, 2006, Toulouse,
Hattori, K., ULF geomagnetic anomalous changes associated with large earthquakes, International Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetics,
May 22, 2006, Quezon, Philippines (no abstract)(invited)
Hattori, K., Ishikawa, H., Harada, M., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., and Isezaki, N., ULF magnetic transfer function analysis using the
wavelet for monitoring of crustal activity, Abstract of General Assembly of European Geosciences Union, CDROM, 2006, Vienna, Austria.
Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Semenov, N., and Sarychev, D., Anomalous behavior of gradients, phase
velocities and correlation coefficients of ULF (F < 1 Hz) geomagnetic disturbances observed before strong EQs, Abstract of General
Assembly of European Geosciences Union, CDROM, 2006, Vienna, Austria.
Hattori, K., Ishikawa, H., Tani, H., Harada, M., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., and Isezaki, N., Inter-station transfer function
analysis of ULF magnetic fields using the wavelet transform for monitoring of crustal activity, 2006 Intfl Workshop on Earthquake
Precursor, Jhongli, Taiwan, March 6-7, (2006). (Invited)
Hattori, K., Harada, M., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., and Isezaki, N., Reduction of ULF external source origin signals (periods T <
1,000 s) using of interstation transfer function method, 28th General Assembly of Intfl Union of Radio Science, Abstracts (CDROM), October
23-29, 2005, New Delhi, India.
Serita, A., Hattori, K., Yoshino, C., Hayakawa, M., and Isezaki, N., Principal Component Analysis and Singular Spectrum Analysis of
ULF Geomagnetic Data Associated with Earthquakes, 28th General Assembly of Intfl Union of Radio Science, Abstracts (CDROM), October 23-29,
2005, New Delhi, India.
Hattori, K., Review of RIKENfs International Frontier Research on Earthquakes 1997-2002 and Recent Progress, Mini-Workshop on Seismo
Electromagnetic Precursors of Earthquakes: State of the Art and Research Progress, Abstracts, September 5, 2005, Bandung, Indonesia
Hattori, K., Saroso, S., Yumoto, K., and Shiokawa, K., ULF geomagnetic anomalous changes associated with large earthquakes;2004
Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and earthquakes in Japan, International Meeting on Sumatran Earthquake Challenge, August 24-28, 2005, Padan,
Indonesia. (No abstract) (Invited)
Hattori, K., ULF Electromagnetic Anomaly Associated with Earthquake observed on the ground DEMETER Guest Investigator Workshop,
Abstract, May 2-4, 2005, Paris France.
Kopytenko, Y. A., Semenov, N. A., Ismaguilov, V. S., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M., Precursors of strong earthquakes in ULF magnetic
disturbances, 2nd General Assembly, Abstracts (CDROM), 24 - 29 April 2005, Vienna, Austria.
Schekotov, A., Molchanov, O., Fedorov, E., Solovieva, M.;, Gladichev, V., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M., Preseismic ULF magnetic
field depression. New results, 2nd General Assembly, Abstracts (CDROM), 24 - 29 April 2005, Vienna, Austria.
Hattori, K., Tani, H., Harada, M., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., Isezaki, N., and Nagao, T., ULF Electromagnetic Transfer Function
Analysis Using the Wavelet for Monitoring of Crustal Activity. 2nd General Assembly, Abstracts (CDROM), 24 - 29 April 2005, Vienna, Austria.
Hattori, K., Serita, A., Yoshino, C., Hayakawa, M., and Isezaki, N., Principal component analysis and singular spectrum analysis of
ULF geomagnetic data associated with earthquakes, 2nd General Assembly, Abstracts (CDROM), 24 - 29 April 2005, Vienna, Austria.
Harada, M., Mogi, T., Takada, M., Hattori, K., Noda, Y., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., The anomalous ULF electric and magnetic changes at
Erimo area associated with the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake (Mw=7.9), Extended Abstracts of 2005 International Workshop on Seismo
Electromagnetics, pp. 475-478, 15-17 March, 2005, Chofu, Tokyo.
Hattori, K., Kamogawa, M., Takahshi, I., Yoshino, C., J. Liu, C. Shieh, H. Shue, W. Juang, Isezaki, N., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S.,
Seismo-electromagnetic observation in Taiwan, Extended Abstracts of 2005 International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, pp. 324-327,
15-17 March, 2005, Chofu, Tokyo.
Takahashi, I., Hattori, K., Harada, M., Isezaki, N., and Nagao, T., ULF electromagnetic environment at southern Boso Peninsula; DOA
and waveform investigation of signals, Extended Abstracts of 2005 International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, pp. 246-249, 15-17
March, 2005, Chofu, Tokyo.
Serita, A., Hattori, K., Gotoh, K., Yoshino, C., Hayakawa, M., and Isezaki, N., Principal component analysis of ULF geomagnetic data
associated with earthquakes, Extended Abstracts of 2005 International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, pp. 242-245, 15-17 March, 2005,
Chofu, Tokyo.
Kopytenko, Y. A., Ismaguilov, V. S., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M., Determination of hearth position of forthcoming strong EQ using
gradients and phase velocities of ULF geomagnetic disturbances, Extended Abstracts of 2005 International Workshop on Seismo
Electromagnetics, pp. 166-169, 15-17 March, 2005, Chofu, Tokyo.
Huang, Q., Du, A., and Hattori, K., Locating the source using the ULF geomagnetic data associated with earthquakes, Extended
Abstracts of 2005 International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, pp. 156-159, 15 - 17 March, 2005, Chofu, Tokyo.
Widarto, D. S., Mogi, T., Y. Tanaka, Nagao, T., K Hattori, J.Y .Liu, and Uyeda, S., Seismo-electromagnetic signatures associated with the
June 4, 2000fs earthquake (Mw 7.9) in Bengkulu, Indonesia, Extended Abstracts of 2005 International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics,
pp. 117-120, 15-17 March, 2005, Chofu, Tokyo.
Tani, H., Harada, M., Hattori, K., Takahshi, I., Yoshino, C., Isezaki, N., and Nagao, T., ULF electromagnetic transfer function
analysis; monitoring for crustal activity and estimation of underground structure Extended Abstracts of 2005 International Workshop on
Seismo Electromagnetics, pp. 113-116, 15-17 March, 2005, Chofu, Tokyo.
Harada, M., Hattori, K., Tahakashi, I., Tani, H., Isezaki, N., and Nagao, T., MT impedance estimation with using the Wavelet
transform for the study of geoelectrical structure changes, Extended Abstracts of 2005 International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics,
pp. 109-112, 15-17 March, 2005, Chofu, Tokyo.
Colangelo, G., Hattori, K., Lapenna, V., Telesca, L., and Yoshino, C., Extraction of extreme events in geoelectrical signals; an
application in a seismic area of Japan, Extended Abstracts of 2005 International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, pp. 93-96, 15-17
March, 2005, Chofu, Tokyo.
Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Hayakawa, M., Isezaki, N., Yumoto, K., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., ULF geomagnetic changes associated with
crustal activity; summary of RIKEN-NASDA project and the latest results, Extended Abstracts of 2005 International Workshop on Seismo
Electromagnetics, pp. 2-5, 15-17 March, 2005, Chofu, Tokyo. (Invited; Keynote lecture)
Hattori, K., Harada, M., Takahashi, I., Hayakawa, M., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., ULF geomagnetic anomaly associated with large
earthquakes, 2004 AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract (CDROM), Dec. 13-17, 2004, San Francisco, USA.
Harada, M., Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Hayakawa, M., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., Reduction of geomagnetic effects (Periods T <
1000 s) from geomagnetic and geoelectrical potential defference data, 2004 AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract (CDROM), Dec. 13-17, 2004, San
Francisco, USA.
Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K., and Yumoto, K., Ultra-low-frequency electromagnetic emissions associated with earthquakes, XIth IAGA
Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, data Acquisition and Processing, Proceedings, 133-139, November 9-17, 2004, Kakioka and
Tsukuba, Japan.
Hattori, K., Harada, M., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., and Isezaki, N., Reduction of ULF external source origine signals (periods T
< 1,000 sec) with the use of interstation method and wavelet transform, IV International Workshop on Magnetic, Electric, and
Electromagnetic Methods in Seismology and Volcanology (MEEMSV-2004) Abastracts, p.107-108, September 5-9, 2004, La Londe les Maures,
Kamogawa, M., Liu, J. Y., Fujiwara, H., Chuo, Y. J., Tsai, Y. B., Hattori, K., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., Atmospheric field variation
before earthquake on March 31, 2002 in Taiwan, IV International Workshop on Magnetic, Electric, and Electromagnetic Methods in Seismology
and Volcanology (MEEMSV-2004) Abastracts, p.45, September 5-9, 2004, La Londe les Maures, France
Hattori, K., Harada, M., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., and Isezaki, N., Reduction of ULF external source origin signals (periods T <
1,000 sec) using of interstation method and wavelet transform, 2004 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference Proceedings, p. 548, August 24-27,
2004, Qingdao, China. (Invited)
Kopytenko, Y. A., Ismaguilov, V. S., Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Gradients and Phase Velocities of ULF magnetic disturbances (F = 0.1
- 0.4Hz) before and during strong earthquakes inf 2003 year at Bosso Peninsula (Japan), 2004 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference
Proceedings, p. 545, August 24-27, 2004, Qingdao, China.
Takahashi, I., Hattori, K., Harada, M., Yoshino, C., and Isezaki, N., Geoelectric potential differences and geomagnetic data observed
at Southern Kanto Area, Japan, 2004 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference Proceedings, p. 324, August 24-27, 2004, Qingdao, China.
Liu, J. Y., Chen, C. H., Zeng, X, Yen, H. Y., Yeh, Y. H., Hattori, K., A study of changes of geomagnetic flux density and ocuurence
of earthquakes, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 1st Annual Meeting, Abstracts1, July 5-9, 2004, Singapore
Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., Hattori, K., Kamogawa, M., Isezaki, N., Hayakawa, M., Nagao, T., and Uyeda S., Long Term Analysis of
geoelectric potential differences and geomagnetic data observed at Izu and Boso Peninsula, Japan, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 1st
Annual Meeting, Abstracts1, p.719, July 5-9, 2004, Singapore
Serita A., Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Isezaki, N., Harada, M., and Yoshino, C., Principal Component Analysis of Geomagnetic Field
Data Associated with Earthquakes, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 1st Annual Meeting, Abstracts1, p.729, July 5-9, 2004, Singapore
Tani, H., Harada, M., Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., and Isezaki N., Possible Electromagnetic Phenomena Associated with
2002 Boso Slow Earthquake, Japan, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 1st Annual Meeting, Abstracts1, p.729, July 5-9, 2004, Singapore
Harada, M., Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., and Isezaki N., Signal Discrimination of ULF (Periods T < 1000s) External
Field with the Use of Interstation method with Wavelet Transform, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 1st Annual Meeting, Abstracts1, p.717,
July 5-9, 2004, Singapore
Hattori, K., Harada, M., Isezaki, N., Tani, H., Takahashi, I., and Yoshino, C., Variation of Geomagnetic Transfer Function Associated
with 2000 Izu Islamds Earthquake Swarm in Japan, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 1st Annual Meeting, Abstracts1, p.719, July 5-9, 2004,
Nagao, T., Uyeda, S., Meguro, T., and Hattori, K., A Summary of the RIKEN International Frontier Research Project on Earthquakes
(IFREQ) and future direction of the short-term earthquake prediction research, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 1st Annual Meeting,
Abstracts 1, p. 728, July 5-9, 2004, Singapore
Harada, M., Hattori, K., Isezaki, N., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., Elimination of the Effects of External Source Field from Electric and
Magnetic Data on the Ground, The Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Active Monitoring in the Solid Earth Geophysics, 271-278,
2004, Mizunami, Gifu, Japan.
Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., ULF Geomagnetic changes associated with crustal activity, 2004
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMCf04 Sendai), p.741-744, June 1-4, 2004, Sendai, Japan. (Invited)
Molchanov, O. A., Schekotov, A. J., Hattori, K., Solovieva, M. S., Fedorov, E. N., Chebrov, V., Saltikov, D., and Hayakawa, M.,
Near-seismic effects in ULF fields and seismo-acoustic emission : statistics and explanation, European Geosciences Union 1st General
Assembly (CD-ROM), April 25-30, 2004, Nice, France.
Hattori, K., Harada, M., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., and Isezaki, N., Reduction of external geomagnetic pulsations and their
inductive electric field variation from ULF geomagnetic and electric potential difference data observed on the ground, European Geosciences
Union 1st Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), April 25-30, 2004, Nice, France.
Harada, M., Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Yoshino, C., and Isezaki, N., Signal discrimination of ULF electromagnetic data with using
interstation transfer function and wavelet transform, European Geosciences Union 1st Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), April 25-30, 2004, Nice,
Hattori, K., Kamogawa, M., and Isezaki, N., An attempt to detect earthquake-related Ionospheric disturbances with the use of GPS
data, The CEReS International Symposium on Remote Sensing - Monitoring of Environmental Change in Asia -, Dec. 16-17, 2003, Chiba, Japan
Huang, Q. D. A., and Hattori, K., Changes of the ULF geomagnetic signals associated with the earthquake swarm in the Izu islands
region, Japan, 23rd General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Abstracts, Week A, A.191, 2003, Sapporo, Japan.
Harada, M., Hattori, K., and Isezaki, N., Signal classification of ULF geomagnetic data with use of interstation transfer function,
23rd General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Abstracts, Week A, A.191, 2003, Sapporo, Japan.
Hattori, K., Yoshino, C., Takahashi, I., Isezaki, N., Nagao, T., Liu, J. Y., Shieh, C. H., and Sheu, H. C., ULF geomagnetic and
geopotential measurements in Taiwan, 23rd General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Abstracts, Week A, A.190,
2003, Sapporo, Japan.
Hattori, K., Gotoh, K., Yoshino, C., Takahashi, I., Kopytenko, Y., Korepanov, V., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Isezaki, N., Nagao, T.,
and Uyeda, S., ULF geomagnetic approach to short-term earthquake prediction: Summary of observational results in RIKEN/NASDAfs frontier
project, 23rd General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Abstracts, Week A, A.190, 2003, Sapporo, Japan.
Hayakawa, M., Gotoh, K., Akinaga, Y., and Hattori, K., Principal anprement and fractal analyses of ULF geomagnetic data for Izu
islands earthquakes in July 2000, 23rd General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Abstracts, Week A, A.190, 2003,
Sapporo, Japan.
Uyeda, S., Nagao, T., Orihara, Y., Yamaguchi, T., Takahashi, I., Hattori, K., Noda, Y., and Sayanagi, K., Pre-and co- seismic
geoelectric potential changes observed in Japan, 23rd General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Abstracts, Week
A, A.185, 2003, Sapporo, Japan.
Hattori, K., Magnetotelluric observation in the southern part of Boso Peninsula, Japan: A preliminary result, 23rd General Assembly
of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Abstracts, Week A, A.34, 2003, Sapporo, Japan.
Ismaguilov, V., Kopytenko, Y., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M., Phase-gradient method of investigation of ULF geomagnetic variations in
seismic active zone, 23rd General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Abstracts, Week A, A.32, 2003, Sapporo,
Molchanov, O., Schekotov, A., Fedorov, E., Belyaev, G., Solovieva, M., Gladyshev, V., Gordeev, E., Hayakawa, M., Uyeda, S., Nagao, T., and
Hattori, K., 23rd General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Abstracts, Week A, A.30, 2003, Sapporo,
Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M., Precursors of EQ M=6.4 in parameters of ULF geomagnetic disturbances,
23rd General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Abstracts, Week A, A.29, 2003, Sapporo, Japan.
Surkov, V., Schekotov, Y., Fedorov, E., Gladyshev, A., Gordeev, E., Chebrov, V., Hayakawa, M., Uyeda, S., Hattori, K., and
Molchanov., M., Co-seismic and near-seismic ULF electromagnetic events from observation in Kamchatka, 23rd General Assembly of the
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Abstracts, Week A, A.29, 2003, Sapporo, Japan.
Uyeda, S., Hayakawa, M., Nagao, T., Molchanov, O., Hattori, K., Orihara, Y., Gotoh, K., Akinaga, Y., and Tanaka, H., Electric and
magnetic phenomena observed before the volcanic seismic activity 2000 in the Izu islands region, Japan, 23rd General Assembly of the
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Abstracts, Week A, A.19, 2003, Sapporo, Japan.
Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M., ULF magnetic location for determination of direction to remote local
region of forthcoming strong EQ, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, EAE03-A-06969, CD-ROM, 2003, Nice,
Hattori, K., Gotoh, K., Takahshi, I., Kopytenko, Y., Korepanov., V., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Isezaki, N., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S.,
ULF geomagnetic anomaly preceding large earthquakes, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, EAE03-A-03308,
CD-ROM, 2003, Nice, France.
Hattori, K., Yoshino, C., Takahashi, I., Isezaki, N., Nagao, T., Liu, J. Y., Shieh, C. H., and Sheu, F. H., ULF geomagnetic and
geopotential measurements in Taiwan, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, EAE03-A-03313, CD-ROM, 2003, Nice,
Harada, M., Hattori, K., and Isezaki, N., Transfer function analysis approach for anomalous ULF geomagnetic field detection,
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, EAE03-A-03281, CD-ROM, 2003, Nice, France.
Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K., Nickolaenko, A., and Rabinowicz, L., Periodic variation in statistics of the geomagnetic field,
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, EAE03-A-08149, CD-ROM, 2003, Nice, France.
Gotoh, K., Akinaga, Y., Hayakawa, M., and Hattori, K., Principal component analysis of ULF geomagnetic data for Izu islands
earthquakes in July 2000, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, EAE03-A-02426, CD-ROM, 2003, Nice,
Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M., Gradient and phase velocities of ULF geomagnetic pulsations before and
during seismic active period, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, EAE03-A-06751, CD-ROM, 2003, Nice France.
Hattori, K., Harada, M., Tani, H., Yoshino, C., Takahashi, I., Isezaki, N., and Hayakawa, M., Geomagnetic transfer function changes
associated with large earthquake in Japan, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, EAE03-A-03311, CD-ROM, 2003,
Nice, France.
Surkov, V., Schekotov, Y., Fedorov, E., Gladyshev, A., Gordeev, E., Chebrov, V., Hayakawa, M., Uyeda, S., Hattori, K., and Molchanov,
O., Co-seismic and near-seismic ULF electromagnetic events as observed in Karimshino station at Kamchatka, Geophysical Research Abstracts,
5, 2003, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, EAE03-A-02717, CD-ROM, 2003, Nice France.
Hattori, K., Transmission Anomaly of EM Waves 1, Abstracts of Electromagnetic Studies of Earthquakes and Volcanoes (EMSEV) Workshop
for Initiation Seismic and Volcanic Electromagnetic Monitoring in Asian Countries, 23-24, January 14-16, 2003, Quezon, Philippine.
Hattori, K., Seismo-Magnetic Phenomena in ULF Range-1, Abstracts of Electromagnetic Studies of Earthquakes and Volcanoes (EMSEV)
Workshop for Initiation Seismic and Volcanic Electromagnetic Monitoring in Asian Countries, 13-15, 2003, Quezon, Philippine.
Hattori, K., and Hayakwa, M., Automatic Detection of Trimpi Phenomena with Use of Adoptive Digital Filter and Neural Network Filter,
Proceedings of Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium2003, p.155, 2003, Singapore.
Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K., Nickolaenko, N., and Rabinowicz, L., Periodic Component in the Hurst Exponent Found for Fluctuations of
thee Geomagnetic Field in Seismo-Active Region, Proceedings of Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium2003, p.138, 2003, Singapore.
Hattori, K., Gotoh, K., Yoshino, C., Kopytenko, Y., Hayakawa, M., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., Principle Component Analysis of
Geomagnetic Data Associated with Earthquakes, Proceedings of Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium, p.137, 2003, Singapore.
Hattori, K., Akinaga, Y., Gotoh, K., Yoshino, C., Kopytenko, Y., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Nagao, T., Uyeda, S., Liu, J. Y., and
Shieh, C. H., ULF Geomagnetic Anomalies Associated with Earthquakes and Observations in Taiwan, 2002 International Workshop on Earthquake
Precursor iSTEP - integrated Search for Taiwan Earthquake Precursors, p.96-97, 2002, Taiwan.
Hattori, K., Gotoh, K., Yoshino, C., Kopytenko, Y., and Hayakawa, M., ULF geomagnetic anomaly associated with 2000 Izu Islands
earthquakes swarm in Japan, International Union of Radio Science 27th Genaral Assembly CD-ROM, #756, 2002, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Hattori, K., Akinaga, Y., Gotoh, K., Yoshino, C., Kopytenko, Y., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., ULF geomagnetic
anomalies associated with earthquakes, International Union of Radio Science 27th Genaral Assembly CD-ROM, #755, 2002, Maastricht,
Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., F. Vallianatos, Hattori, K., Kopytenko, E., Makris, J., and Matiashvili, T., Preliminary results of
investigation of the parameters of ULF electromagnetic disturbances in different seismic active regions, III International Workshop on
Magnetic, Electric, and Electromagnetic Methods in Seismology and Volcanology (MEEMSV-2002) Abastracts, p.216, 2002, Moscow.
Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M., Anomalou behavior of parameters of geomagnetic pulsations before and
during seismic active period, III International Workshop on Magnetic, Electric, and Electromagnetic Methods in Seismology and Volcanology
(MEEMSV-2002) Abastracts, p.179-180, 2002, Moscow.
Nagao, T., Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., and Uyeda, S., Recent progress of RIKEN/NASDA Frontier Research Programs on Earthquakes -
Electromagnetic Short-Term Earthquake Prediction Research, III International Workshop on Magnetic, Electric, and Electromagnetic Methods in
Seismology and Volcanology (MEEMSV-2002) Abastracts, p.158-159, 2002, Moscow.
Ismaguilov, V., Kopytenko, Y., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M., Using geomagnetic disturbances for study of geoelectric heterogeneities
in a seismic active zone, III International Workshop on Magnetic, Electric, and Electromagnetic Methods in Seismology and Volcanology
(MEEMSV-2002) Abastracts, p.128-129, 2002, Moscow.
Nagao, T., Hattori, K., and Uyeda, S., Ground based observation of radiations in wide frequency range, II meeting of International
Working Group on realizing of complex joint observations on the interaction of the solar wind with magnetosphere, seismoelectromagnetic VLF
radiation and operative precursors of earthquake s in Pacific region, August 14-19, 2001, Paratunka, Russia. (no abstract).
Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., Hattori, K., Molchanov, O., and Hayakawa, M., Investigation of intensity, gradients, and phase
velocities of ULF propagation of electromagnetic emissions connected with sources of seismic activity, II meeting of International Working
Group on realizing of complex joint observations on the nteraction of the solar wind with magnetosphere, seismoelectromagnetic VLF radiation
and operative precursors of earthquake s in Pacific region, August 14-19, 2001, Paratunka, Russia. (no abstract).
Hattori, K., Gotoh, K., Hayakawa, M., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., ULF Geomagnetic Anomalies Associated with Earthquakes, IAGA-IASPEI
Joint Scientific Assembly 2001, August 2001, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., Hattori, K., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, M., ULF magnetic location of earthquake hearts in seismic active
zone, 2001 Asia-Pacific Radio Space Science Conference, p. 367, August 2001, Tokyo, Japan.
Hattori, K., Akinaga, Y., Gotoh, K., Yoshino, C., Kopytenko, Y., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., ULF Geomagnetic
Anomalies Associated with Earthquakes, 2001 Asia-Pacific Radio Space Science Conference, p. 200, August 2001, Tokyo, Japan.
Hattori, K., Kopytenko, Y., Gotoh, K., Hayakawa, M., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., ULF Geomagnetic Anomalies Associated with Earthquakes
around Izu Islands Area in 2000, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2001, p. 490, July 2001, Osaka, Japan.
Akinaga, Y., Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., and Yumoto, K., ULF Emissions Associated with Earthquakes, International Workshop on Seismo
Electromagnetics and Space Science, Abstract, p.42, December 2000, Agra, India.
Hattori, K., Akinaga, Y., Maltsev, P., Iwasaki, H., Kopytenko, Y., Takahashi, I., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S.,
Earthquake Related ULF Geomagnetic Anomalies, International Workshop on Seismo-Electromagnetics and Space Science, Absract, p.40, December
2000, Agra, India.
Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., ULF emissions associated with earthquakes no abstract, Problems of Geodynamics
and Earthquake Forecasting, September 26-29, 2000, Khabarovsk, Russia. (No abstract)
Uyeda, S., Nagao, T., Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Molchanov, O., Gladychev, V., Pokhotelov, O., Baransky, L., Gorbatikov, A.,
Shekotov, A., Fedorov, E., Khabazin, Y., Lutikov, A., Kosarev, G., Yunga, S., Gordeev, E., and Chebrov, V., Complex Geophysical Observations
in Kamchatka Seismoactive Region, International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA, p. 185, September, 2000, Tokyo, Japan.
Maltsev, P., Hattori, K., Uyeda, S., Nagao, T., Hayakawa, M., Molchanov, O., and Korepanov, V., Long-term Geomagnetic Field
Measurements for Earthquake Prediction with Search-coil Magnetometers in Japan., International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 2000 of
NASDA, p. 105, September, 2000, Tokyo, Japan
Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Maltsev, P., Akinaga, Y., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Kopytenko, Y., Korepanov, V., Iwasaki, H., Nagao, T.,
Uyeda, S., and Molchanov, O., ULF Geomagnetic Observation and Data Analysis at RIKEN IFREQ / NASDA-UEC, International Workshop on Seismo
Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA, p. 104 September, 2000, Tokyo, Japan
Hattori, K., Takahashi, I., Kawabata, K., Maltsev, P., Hayakawa, M., Korepanov, V., Kopytenko, Y., Molchanov, O., Nagao, T., and
Uyeda, S., ULF Geomagnetic observation System at RIKEN / NASDA, International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA, p. 102,
September, 2000, Tokyo, Japan.
Yagova, N., Yumoto, K., Hattori, K., Saita, K., Nagao, T., Sasai, Y., Kasahara, M., and Takada, M., Regional and Local Variations of
Geomagnetic and Geoelectric Noises in Ultra-Low-Frequency Range and Their Relation to Seismic Activity, International Workshop on Seismo
Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA, p. 100, September, 2000, Tokyo, Japan.
Akinaga, Y., Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., and Yumoto, K., ULF emissions associated with earthquakes, International Workshop on Seismo
Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA, p. 98, September, 2000, Tokyo, Japan
Smirnov, M. Y., Kopytenko, Y. A., Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., and Molchanov, O. A., Some Peculiarities of Magnetotelluric Sounding in
Seismic Zones of Izu and Chiba Peninsula (Japan), International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA, p. 95, September, 2000,
Tokyo, Japan.
Kopytenko, Y. A., Ismaguilov, V. S., Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., and Molchanov, O. A., Magnetic Location of the ULF Magnetic
Disturbances Sources in Seismic Zones of Izu and Chiba Peninsula (Japan), International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA,
p. 94, September, 2000, Tokyo, Japan.
Korepanov, V., Berkman, R., Shvenson, A., and Hattori, K., Electromagnetic Earthquake Precursors monitoring Methodology Study,
International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA, p. 93, September, 2000, Tokyo, Japan.
Yamaguchi, T., Sayanagi, K., Hattori, K., Maltsev, P., Orihara, Y., Noda, Y., Takahashi, I., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., On the
Magnetic Signal Associated with SES, International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA, p. 80, September, 2000, Tokyo,
Gorbatikov, A. N., Molchanov, O. A., Hayakawa, M., Uyeda, S., Hattori, K., Nagao, T., and Maltsev, P., Acoustic and magnetic
emissions at Matsushiro (association with nearby earthquakes), previous and recent results, International Workshop on Seismo
Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA, p. 10, September, 2000, Tokyo, Japan.
Kopytenko, Y. A., Hattori, K., Voronov, P. M., Hayakawa, M., Ismaguilov, V. S., Molchanov, O. A., Kopytenko, E. A., and Zaitsev,
D. B., Monitoring of the ULF Electromagnetic Disturbances at the Stations Network before EQ in Seismic Zones of Izu and Chiba Peninsula
(Japan), International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 2000 of NASDA, p. 6, September, 2000, Tokyo, Japan.
Akinaga, Y., Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., and Yumoto, K., ULF Emissions Associated with Earthquakes in Kyushu, 2000 International
Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, 1F-2, Fukuoka, August
Hattori, K., Akinaga, Y., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., ULF Magnetic Field Anomalies Preceding Earthquakes
Observed in Japan, Proceedings of Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, p. 903, July, 2000, Boston, MA, USA.
Nagao, T., Orihara, Y., Yamaguchi, T., Takahashi, I., Hattori, K., Noda, Y., and Uyeda, S., Co-Seismic Geoelectric Potential Changes
Observed in Japan, Proceedings of Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, p. 898, July, 2000, Boston, MA, USA.
Hattori, K., Akinaga, Y., Maltsev, P., Iwasaki, H., Kopytenko, Y., Takahashi, I., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S.,
Earthquake Related ULF Magnetic Anomalies Observed in Japan, EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 2000 Western Pacific Geophysics
Meeting, 81, WP154, Tokyo, June, 2000.
Chevrov, V., Uyeda, S., Nagao, T., Hattori, K., Molchanov, O., Gordeev, E., Lutikov, A., Gladyshev, V., Saltykov, V., Sinisyn, V.,
Gorbatikov, A., and Schekotov, A., Russian-Japanese geophysical observatory on Kamchatka : first results, RIKEN / NASDA Symposium on The
Recent Aspects of Electromagnetic Variations Related with Earthquakes p. 29, December, 1999, Wako.
Kopytenko, Y., Ismaguilov, V., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K., Voronov, P., and Kopytenko, E., Remote multipoint
observations of ULF electromagnetic disturbances in seismic zone of Japan, RIKEN / NASDA Symposium on The Recent Aspects of Electromagnetic
Variations Related with Earthquakes, p. 21, December, 1999, Wako.
Hattori, K., Akinaga, Y., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., ULF Magnetic Field Anomalies Preceding Earthquakes
Observed in Japan, RIKEN / NASDA Symposium on The Recent Aspects of Electromagnetic Variations Related with Earthquakes, p. 18, December,
1999, Wako
Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Kopytenko, Y., Korepanov, V., Nagao, T., Uyeda, S., and Molchanov, O., ULF Magnetometer Network
Observation of STAfs Frontier Research Programs on Earthquakes, Abstracts of 26th General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science,
p. 749, August 1999, Toronto.
Gorbatikov, A., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, M., Uyeda, S., Hattori, K., Nagao, T., and Maltsev, P., Acoustic and Magnetic Emissions at
Matsushiro (Association with nearby Earthquakes), Abstracts of 26th General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science, p. 743, August
1999, Toronto.
Hattori, K., Akinaga, Y., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., ULF Magnetic Field Anomaly Preceding 1997 Kagoshima
Earthquakes and 1998 Iwate Earthquake, Abstracts of 26th General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science, p. 742, August 1999,
Uyeda, S., Kudo, T., Hattori, K., Yamaguchi, T., Orihara, Y., Sayanagi, K., Takahsahi, I., Noda, Y., Tanbo T., Nagao, T., and
Kawabata, K., Geoelectric potential measurement study in Japan - General and the latest results -, RIKEN / NASDA Workshop on Seismo-ULF
Emissions, p. 17, December 1998, Tokyo.
Hattori, K., Geomagnetic Measurements in China, RIKEN / NASDA Workshop on Seismo-ULF Emissions, p. 16, December 1998, Tokyo.
Kopytenko, Y., Hayakawa, M., Molchanov, O., Hattori, K., Ismaguilov, V., Voronov, P., Kopytenko, E., and Zaitzev, D., Magnetic
location of seismo-electromagnetic ULF emissions sources, RIKEN / NASDA Workshop on Seismo-ULF Emissions, p. 14, December 1998, Tokyo.
Akinaga, Y., Itoh, T., Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., and Yumoto, K., ULF emissions associated with the earthquakes in Kyusyu, RIKEN /
NASDA Workshop on Seismo-ULF Emissions, p. 13, December 1998, Tokyo.
Hattori, K., Iwasaki, H., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., ULF Magnetic Field Anomaly Associated with 1997
Kagoshima Earthquakes and 1998 Iwate Earthquake, RIKEN / NASDA Workshop on Seismo-ULF Emissions, p. 12, December 1998, Tokyo.
Hattori, K., Itoh, T., Kopytenko, E., Korepanov, V., Kopytenko, Y., Nagao, T., Uyeda, S., Hayakawa, M., and Molcahnov, O. A.,
Seismo-ULF Magnetic Measurement of Frontier Research Program on Earthquakes, RIKEN / NASDA Workshop on Seismo-ULF Emissions, p. 8, December
1998, Tokyo.
Gorbatikov, A., Molchanov, O., Hayakawa, M., Uyeda, S., Hattori, K., and Nagao, T., Acoustic Emissions at Matsushiro (Association
with nearby Earthquakes), RIKEN / NASDA Workshop on Seismo-ULF Emissions, p. 6, December 1998, Tokyo.
Uyeda, S., Kudo, T., Hattori, K., Yamaguchi, T., Orihara, Y., Sayanagi, K., Takahsahi, I., Noda, Y., Tanbo T., Nagao, T., and
Kawabata, K., RIKEN's International Frontier Program on Earthquakes, RIKEN / NASDA Workshop on Seismo-ULF Emissions, p. 4, December 1998,
Kopytenko, Y., Hayakawa, M., Molchanov, O., and Hattori, K., Future Plan of ULF electromagnetic disturbances investigations in
seimoactive zones, RIKEN / NASDA Workshop on Seismo-ULF Emissions, p. 2, December 1998, Tokyo.
Uyeda, S., Kudo, T., Yamaguchi, T., Orihara, Y., Hattori, K., Kanda, W., and Nagao, T., RIKEN Earthquake International Frontier
Research Program, 1998 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, EOS Transactions 79, No. 24, W104, August 1998, Taipei.
Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Yumoto, K., Nagao, T., and Uyeda, S., ULF Magnetic Emissions Associated with 1997 Kagoshima Earthquakes,
1998 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, EOS Transactions 79, No. 24, W102, August 1998, Taipei.
Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M., An application of MUSIC method to the ground-based direction finding of magnetospheric VLF/ELF waves,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, 245-248, September 1996, Chiba.
Hattori, K., Iwama, N., and Hayakawa, M., Direction finding of magnetospheric radio waves with use of MUSIC method, Abstracts of 25th
General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science, p. 663, August 1996, Lille, France.
Hattori, K., Iwama, N., and Hayakawa, M., Ground-based direction finding of whistler-mode waves with use of MUSIC method, 1996
Proceedings of International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, p. 716-719, June 1996, Osaka.
Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Lagoutte, D., Parrot, M., and Lefeuvre, F., Experimental evidence of triggering chorus emissions from
wavelets in the hiss band, 24th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Abstracts, p. 435, August 1993, Kyoto.
Hattori, K., Yamaguchi, M., Iwama, N., and Hayakawa, M., GCV-aided linear reconstraction of wave distribution function for direction
finding of magnetospheric VLF/ELF waves, 24th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Abstracts p. 56, August
1993, Kyoto.
Hattori, K., Yamaguchi, M., Iwama, N., and Hayakawa, M., Application of GCV-aided Phillips-Tikhonov regularization to direction
finding of magnetospheric VLF/ELF radio waves, International Symposium on Computerized Tomography, p. 59, August 1993, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K., Lagoutte, D., Parrot, M., Lefeuvre, F., Triggering chorus emissions from wavelets in the hiss band in the
outer magnetosphere, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, 1177-1180, September 1992, Sapporo.
Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M., Non-ducted whistler-mode propagation near the plasmapause in the magnetosphere, Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, 1173-1176, September 1992, Sapporo.
Yamaguchi, M., Hattori, K., Iwama, N., and Hayakawa, M., A new direction finding method of magnetospheric VLF/ELF radio waves using
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Yamaguchi, M., Hattori, K., Iwama, N., and Hayakawa, M., A new direction finding method of magnetospheric VLF/ELF radio waves using
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emissions, 1992 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, EOS Transactions 73, No. 25, 78, August 1992, Hong Kong.
Hayakawa, M., Shimakura, S., Shimizu, M., Hattori, K., and Iwama, N., Direction finding of magnetosphereic VLF/ELF waves based on
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Shimizu, M., Hattori, K., Iwama, N., and Hayakawa, M., A new direction finding method (wave distribution function) for magnetospheric
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Yamaguchi, M., Hattori, K., Iwama, N., and Hayakawa, M., A new direction finding method of magnetospheric VLF/ELF radio waves using
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Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Lagoutte, D., Parrot, M., and Lefeuvre, F., The experimental results of triggering chorus emissions from
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Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Lagoutte, D., Parrot, M., and Lefeuvre, F., Further evidence of triggering chorus emissions from wavelets
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Hayakawa, M., Hattori, K., Shimakura, S., and Ohta, K., Magnetospheric and Ionospheric VLF/ELF radio noise, Proceedings of the 9th
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Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Shimakura, S., Parrot, M., and Lefeuvre, F., Direction finding of chorus emissions in the outer
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Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Parrot, M., Lagoutte, D., and Lefeuvre, F., Experimental study of roll of hiss in the generation of chorus
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Ishikawa, K., Hattori, K., and Hayakawa, M., On the propagation of Whistler-mode waves in Magnetospheric plasma, URSI Symposium on
Environmental and Space Electromagnetics, Program and Abstracts of Papers, September, 1989, Tokyo.
Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Shimakura, S., Parrot, M., and Lefeuvre, F., Hiss-triggered chorus in the outer magnetosphere, URSI
Symposium on Environmental and Space Electromagnetics, Program and Abstracts of Papers, September, 1989, Tokyo.
Hattori, K., Hayakawa, M., Shimakura, S., Parrot, M., and Lefeuvre, F., On the observation and generation mechanism of hiss-triggered
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Hattori, K., Development of early warning system for rainfall-induced landslide using self potential approach: state of the art
of indoor experiments, ’n‹…•¨—ŠwƒZƒ~ƒi[, 2010.3.2, –k‹ž‘åŠw,’†‘ (Invited)
Hattori, K., ULF/ELF signals possibly associated with the 2004 Sumatra Earthquake, Avviso Di Seminario, Sala Conferenze
dellfArea della Ricerca del CNR, June 12, 2007, Tito Scalo, Italy.
- Hattori, K., Geomagnetic and Magentotelluric monitoring of seismic active area, Sala Seminari Polo CNR di Marsico Nuovo, July 19, 2006,
Marsico Nuovo, Italy
Hattori, K., Review of RIKENfs International Frontier Research on Earthquakes 1997-2002 and Recent Progress, Mini-Workshop on Seismo
Electromagnetic Precursors of Earthquakes: Seminar in LAPAN, Bandung, Indonesia, September 6, 2005
Hattori, K., ULF Geomagnetic Changes Associated with Large Earthquakes, Friday Seminar, August 30, 2004, Dept. of Geophysics,
Beijing University, Beijing, China.
Hattori, K., gReduction of geomagnetic pulsations (T < 1000sec) for geomagnetic and geoelectric potential difference data and
possible EM phenomena associated with 2003 slow earthquake event, Japanh, iSTEP Seminar, March 16, 2004, National Central University,
Chung-li, Taiwan
Hattori, K., Principal component analysis of ULF geomagnetic data associated with earthquake, Seminar in stituto di Metodologie per
l'Analisi Ambientale, CNR, November 5, 2003, Tito, Italy.
Hattori, K., ULF geomagnetic approach to short-term earthquake prediction, iSTEP Seminar, September , 2003, National Central
University, Chung-li, Taiwan.
2005”N7ŒŽ “ú–{‘å‹C“d‹CŠw‰ïŠwpŒ¤‹†Ü
1996”N8ŒŽ Union of International Radio Science, Young Scientist Award ŽóÜ
(‰— 25th General Assembly of URSI, Lille France, August, 1996)
"Direction finding of magnetospheric radio waves with use of MUSIC method"
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